OMG!!! Thank you!!! This woman believes they are perfect ugh!!! I'm just so sickend that my relashonship with my husband is appuling but it's okay for her other son to knock up a 16 year old and then marry her when she turns 17
I know I don't have a perfect family and yea I raised myself, but I'm a good honest woman and I take care of my family and that is all that should matter to her but NOOOOOO, she believes all these rumors about things that "supposedly" happened in High school about me and guess what they NEVER happeded; not to mention THAT WAS SIX YEARS AGO!!! My husband has tried to tell her this over and over and over again, but she won't listen!!!

P.S. I'm a bad person beucase my dad beat me and was a drug addict... So... That makes me a bad person for her son... Gee I'm sorry, because I asked to have that in my life... You would think she would see how much I have overcome as a young child, but noooo I'm a bad person, and that hurts too...
My MIL has beaten me 8 times, full blown attacks, over the stupidest things like showing my 2 yr old how to blow on a dog whistle! WTH??? I know exactly what you're going through. I no longer see, thinkg about, speak to or have any kind of contact what so ever with my MIL and she isn't allowed to see my children either (as one of the attacks was with my 2 yr old in my arms and one she kicked the babies excersaucer over in the process!) we should start a 'crazy MIL victim' club. I am so sorry for you! It seems like the responsible kids/couples etc are never the ones to get the help they deserve... grrrrrr!

it sounds like a horrible situation so vent all you want but dont let it eat at you. You can't change her behavior... you can only change how you react to it. As awful as she is, like others have said on here, be glad you live overseas and dont have to deal with her all the time. Just make your own life and try not to let her get to you.

good luck!

She's nuts, but you already know that. Try to ignore the crazy, and your daughter will pick up that granny's off all by herself. In the meantime, send a gift for the baby, it is still your husband's nephew (I suggest what to expect the first year, as the girl will need guidence). If she continues to be so toxic, just make the time between visits longer and longer.
We will, I love the lil brother and I like the girlfriend okay, she is just SO young!!! She seemed sweet enough when I met her, kind of shy but I almost feel bad because I have resentment towards them even though it's not their fault this woman is so vicious...
I would completely put a stop to the visits. My husband knows if he wants to stay married (which he does) that our children and I will NEVER have to see or speak to his mother. It is a good arrangement. He can talk to her all he wants as long as we are not involved.
Thanks Nancy! I really try not to let it get to me, but when she acts the way she does towards my 2yr old I just want to tear her to shreads! You don't treat a child any differently beucase it's half of another person you can't appreciate... Hubby thinks she does it to cope w/ us being so far away, I say get over and treat her like she is truly you grandchild...
that's the terms here too
. i couldn't handle the stress anymore (like when i was younger) 12 years of hell is quite enough DD is not going to grow up in a family of choas mil doesnt consider her , her GD anyhow ,
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