That's us too, I still have guilt over it, but she's nuts. This lady's nuts, setting a BAD example for your child... blood, relative, inlaw w/e it doesn't matter. If I would have my children around a person thats that, doesn't matter who they are... I say you put your foot down or this will just drive you both crazy. DO NOT attend that wedding, but feel free to invite the barley adult and kid over for a private 'reception dinner' at your place... just my 2 cents
That's us too, I still have guilt over it, but she's nuts. This lady's nuts, setting a BAD example for your child... blood, relative, inlaw w/e it doesn't matter. If I would have my children around a person thats that, doesn't matter who they are... I say you put your foot down or this will just drive you both crazy. DO NOT attend that wedding, but feel free to invite the barley adult and kid over for a private 'reception dinner' at your place... just my 2 cents

I live 8000mi away and it cost close to $2000 for a coach plane ticket, I don't have to worry too much about seeing her...

Well apprently it's going to be a big thing, like mine, you know the one she cancelled! UGH! I don't even want ot think about it, I was an adult, huny was an adult but we got screwed out of our own wedding b/c of her and now a 16-17 yr old is getting a wedding
Oh darling I so understand...
My former MIL was 10 times worse Trust Me. I can tell you how I fixed it...

Here is the picture for you...Me just had a preemie (her granddaughter), had aa stroke and renal failure in labor, emergency C-Section and wishing I had died. this bright brilliant waste of good oxygen walks into my hospital room and says "Well, thank goodness you did not kill my only grandchild". I could barely stand up alone but I tried to get up to choke her till her eyes popped out.

3 weeks later...her and all 6 of her sisters show up and my house to see the baby that came home the day before at not even 4 lbs. She wants to know what I am cooking for their dinner. I told her KFC was 2 miles down the road...HIT IT. I laid down when my blood pressure spiked and asked that they NOT undress and redress the baby with the clothes they had just brought over because she lost her body heat so easily and she was not a doll.

I wake up to her having been in 10 outfits...I hit the ceiling. I threw all of them out and when my THEN husband started to speak I told him to get his selfish butt out with his mommy and not come back until he was a man and could control his household. I informed his mother and all her sisters that they would NEVER again step foot in my home. They never did.

Girl sometimes you got to stand up for yourself and now your child. Do not take that crap from her...you are a wife and mother and your only responsibility is to your child first, your husband second and yourself. Tell MIL to hit the road and stay gone until she act like a human being. Write her off and be done with it. She will see the error of her ways.
I thought I was the only one that had the MIL from he**. Many years ago my MIL went into an alcohol fueled lecture about how I was a bad wife to her son (lecture had gone on for 2 hrs). I turned away to get a glass of water for my 13 month old son. MIL went into a rage because I was not listening to her. Came after me and tried to punch me in the face while I was holding my son. That was it. Never saw her or spoke to her again. I had taken her verbal abuse for years before that, but when it came to my children (her grandchildren) becoming part of her abuse I was done with her. No one missed her when she died a few years later of cancer. Sad that some people are so mentally ill. I made the decision not to join them in their illness.
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I'm sory yu missed out on your wedding but here's something to consider. She sounds lie the kind of person to never let you forget that she "helped" you with something. So now you don't "owe" her for the rest of your life. That's priceless! Try to feel sorry for the teenage bride - she's gonna catch **** for everthing, and probably doesn't have the maturity to cope with a pushy adult.
We are under absolutely NO obligation to maintain a relationship with ANYONE simply because they happen to be related to us.

Abuse is abuse, and we have a right to refuse to be a victim. Life gets a lot simpler when we accept this.
The girl's family is willing to let them get married, instead of hauling your BIL to jail for fathering the baby. Let them have the wedding, from what it sounds like it'll be the highlight of thier marriage (they are both way too young for what's ahead, and she will still be growing into who she is as an adult, not great odds there). Now breathe some, keep the looney away from yours, and if the subject comes up, "oh it'll be lovely, now how about <new topic>".
I agree totally with this. I am my husband's second wife. The first was when he was really young....they were both like 17 or so I think. Anyway, they had a nice wedding with the smiling MIL......who bragged to me she ran her off and she would me, too. These women can't treat anyone good, and I am sure that girl is headed for a miserable, MIL infested existence.

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