im so jealous of your dirt bathers!


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
my girls are approaching the 10 weeks mark, theyve been outside for 2 weeks. they have a wood dog house for the coop and an attached run. theres 3 chickens and they have a 3x7ft run so i think theres plenty of space, but my girls have yet to do the dust bath thing. the floor of the run is open to the ground and we move it around the yard every few days... it sounds silly to ask, but should i be worried? should i encourage them somehow? or do i just have prissy birds? lol
LOL, maybe they are boys - boys don't think bathing is on the to do list for a long time!
When I went to summer camp with the Boy Scouts, I insisted that the entire troop swim at least once a day, that way I knew water had at least touched their entire skin surface each day!
My hens like when we use a shovel and turn over a small patch in the coop to make loose soil. But then, we have no "official" lawn LOL.
Maybe you don't have enough loose soil for them?

I had the foresight when I witnessed my babies' baths to realize that it might not be so cute when they're doing it in my veggie garden. Sho'nuf, this weekend they created a "favorite" spot... right where I'd planted pole beans.

Silly girls! Arg...
I was actually kind of surprised that they started bathing and scratching right away (1.5 weeks) but they went right to it. Those waiting their turn would peck the one bathing to get out... Hopefully you can join the fun soon.
The spot where we built our roofed run is hardpack, and though we knew the birds would eventually loosen it, we did two things. First, we gave them a plastic container filled with play sand and a little DE. They use this in the coop and the DE is a preventive for ticks and mites. I keep it clean using a kitty litter scoop. When it gets 'old', I dump it under a platform in the run and they use it there. You're missing out on all kinds of fun with your birds! This is a great way to enjoy them and to prevent skin infestations!

Here are the girls at 5 weeks-

I keep a large plant pot bottom in their run with dirt in it. They are in a tractor and get moved around so this gives them access to dirt all the time (except today as it is more mud than dirt
). They were our free ranging today and thought under my string beans would be a good place for a dust bath - until I booted them out
as I want beans when all is said and done

They definitely like soft soil and then they will really dust. Last night we had rain, just enough to dampen the ground and after that when I looked at them, I had about 15 dusting in the yard. It was pretty funny. Dirt was flying everywhere. And you're right about the roos. I've never seen my 4 roosters take a dust bath.
My chicks were a week old on Saturday and I have been taking them out in the yard and putting them in a box with the bottom cut out for about 20 minutes a day sometimes twice a day. On Thursday one of my brahmas started having what looked like a seizure and had her feet stuck out and was just rolling around and kicking. Needless to say I was a bit concerned because these are my first fuzzy butts! On Friday one of the Ameraucanas was doing the same thing. Then I put some sand over to the side and two more started. I just about fell off my bucket when I figured out what they were doing!
They just look so funny!

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