IM SO MAD!!!! do i have a right to be????

OMG. You have got to be kidding me. How terrible for you. You poor baby.
All I can say is next time KILL IT.
OMG. You have got to be kidding me. How terrible for you. You poor baby.
All I can say is next time KILL IT.

x2 oh my goodness!! im sooo soo sorry
stupid people who cant keep there dog under control

(including myself lol) thats so horrable im sorry dear!!!!
did you call about DOG AT LARGE?? when you kept haveing problems with it?? you always have to have written proof a police report animal control report or copys of letters you have written to the owner of the dog...
i learned the hard way also
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Ah, yes, but it's As the Predator Turns, isn't it?

This is so very simple to me:

Dog out of control and off owner's property (against the law)
Chickens on owner's property (completely legal and where they belong)
Dog owner has nothing to say if chicken owner takes care of business.

Doesn't really matter that the chickens were not in a fence-they were on the property of their owner when the irresponsible owner's dog came barreling through and took and killed them.

Even fences don't always solve the problem for a chicken owner. I had loose dogs tear my perimeter fencing off the tree by climbing over it once. When my driveway gate is open for an expected delivery, every stinking loose dog seems to know it and bops down the driveway. If my birds are out of their pens and free ranging on my property then, is it my fault if they are killed by the loose dog? Absolutely not. We have pretty clear county laws that give me the right to shoot to kill if they are even harassing my birds.

This is my very simple mantra now about roaming dogs and I think it sums it up pretty well, really:

When a dog is on its own property, it's a pet. When someone else's dog is on my property, it's a predator. Simple as pie.
So far I have been so lucky. Although I was talking to a egg buying neighbor just a bit ago and she said we did have a coyote around.
Now I've got to leave the rifle outside now. Probably won't have time to go get it. I think the dogs around here have had a talk among themselves and figured out my place ain't the one to come to. I won't tolerate anything messing with my chickens. And no, they ain't 'just chickens".
As long as the same thing applies to any chickens that happen to get loose that is fair. I would be devestated to lose either my dog or my chickens. There have been instances both got out of their respective fences (even with wing clipping!) In both situations we caught them within minutes. I am sure no one would appreciate their chickens being shot for roaming into the neighbors yard, even if it is within the neighbors right to do so.

I see it as my responsibility to do what i can to keep my chickens and my dog safe on and within my property. Part of that is a fence, the second part of that is a rifle
. I've never had to use the rifle because of precautions we have taken to protect our birds particularly when they were young and very vulnerable to the cats in the neighborhood.

Ultimately it is about responsible ownership on both sides. Dogs should - never - be able to freely run about the neighborhood just as chickens shouldn't either. The only way to prevent that from happening is taking proper precautions as a pet/livestock owner. Securing your yard so chickens cannot escape generally is more than enough to keep a dog out.
That is just wrong, I don't even know what to say besides that I'm sorry that happened to you. Funny they didn't seem to care about the slaughtered chickens, oh wait, I forgot, they're "Just chickens"
it's not about not caring about the chickens. It's the same legal issue as self-defense. If you are frightened enough to pull a gun, then you should be frightened enough to kill. If a dog is killing my animals, then yes it is going to get shot. And not by a bb gun. Honestly, in my opinion, just trying to scare off the dog says that you aren't REALLY worried about what he is going to do because if he is in the heat of the moment, there is a chance that he will ignore the sting of a bb gun. ETA: didn't mean that to sound so harsh. "I just wanted to scare him" just doesn't seem to fit in with using a bb gun. The reason the poster got a warning or ticket about cruelty is because it doesn't DO anything about the situation. Causes the dog some pain, leaves a chance for infection, maybe even death.

ManningJW, yes the same thing goes for my birds. If they are leaving my property, then the neighbors have a right to take care of the situation. They also have a right for $$ for any damages the birds might cause. I'm glad you're responsible and act instantly if your dogs get out, but that's sadly the minority. If I had a nickel for every person who has said "Oh, my dog isn't lost, he's in the backyard" only to realize that the dog has been gone for several hours...not to mention the people who don't even bother to fence or contain their dogs.
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