In Memoriam - Open To All

Some people don't understand, but there are the few that do. When you can call an animal "friend" they deserve a memorial. I hope she forgives my portrait skills. :rolleyes:
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In memory of Penelope. She hatched and raised two amazing batches of naked neck crosses (20 chicks in all). She herself was a D'uccle/Polish cross. I rescued her from a neighbor who was selling her and her 20 siblings to a butcher. She was flighty and did not like being held, but was an amazing chicken. She was such a good mother, in fact that is how she died. My uncle wanted to put in all of the chickens last night, he has several in my flock, and Penelope and her 11 chicks (8 weeks old) had randomly decided to sleep right outside their coop. He, not knowing that 12 birds where missing, closed the coop. In the morning, I found 11 chicks alive and running a muck and a pile of black feathers. Penelope did not let even one of her chicks get eaten. Now I have 11 chicks on my hands, but she has taught them well, and I will do my best to take care of them. I will miss you Penelope, you were a unique and amazing chicken. I will see you one day in heaven


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Today, we lost a beautiful Rhode Island Red hen simply named "Big Red" who was one of the sweetest birds I've ever met. She was a good girl, who had the personality of a loyal puppy dog and was once the head of her flock. She's been through illness before, but today it seems heart failure finally took her.

So in her honor, I want to open a memorial thread that's just a simple place to share photos and stories of the chickens, geese, ducks, peafowl, and all those beautiful poultry we've loved and lost. Post a picture, tell your favorite memory, and just remember the good times you've had with those feathered friends.

In homestead spirit, I light a lantern for Big Red. Rest in peace silly bird.
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Omg.look at her face I just love it
I am so sorry for you loss.
I bet though she had a nice happy life
In memory of Penelope. She hatched and raised two amazing batches of naked neck crosses (20 chicks in all). She herself was a D'uccle/Polish cross. I rescued her from a neighbor who was selling her and her 20 siblings to a butcher. She was flighty and did not like being held, but was an amazing chicken. She was such a good mother, in fact that is how she died. My uncle wanted to put in all of the chickens last night, he has several in my flock, and Penelope and her 11 chicks (8 weeks old) had randomly decided to sleep right outside their coop. He, not knowing that 12 birds where missing, closed the coop. In the morning, I found 11 chicks alive and running a muck and a pile of black feathers. Penelope did not let even one of her chicks get eaten. Now I have 11 chicks on my hands, but she has taught them well, and I will do my best to take care of them. I will miss you Penelope, you were a unique and amazing chicken. I will see you one day in heaven

Heartbreaking! I’m sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Penelope.
My third and last loss was Margo. She was my alpha. Bossy top hen, but a real lovey snuggler with me. She also stood by Rusty’s side when she was sick. Roosted down low with Rusty when she could not get up to a higher roost. She was a true leader. I miss her.

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I think we all loved Margo! We followed her for so long it felt like we knew her, too!
Well, I am very sad to report I had my fourth loss today. Beautiful Bagheera was a beauty and had a distinctive voice. She was so gentle around Cashew’s chicks and was just a cool chicken in general. She LOVED to cuddle. She would jump into my lap and press her body up against mine. Here she is just the weekend before last. I will miss her, and so will poor, sweet Bridge, the only remaining hen from my original four.


And here she is in her full glory.

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