In the lay box 9 hours. Is she having problems passing egg?

She is voluntarily drinking for me after having a few crumbs of tumsView attachment 3453504
You can usually just gently push the entire tablet straight back in her beak till she swallows. The first time for me it was scary, but know that chickens don’t have gag reflexes like we do and can swallow large things.
How long does it take for it to begin working for her?? She just pooped a gross poop.

If she were my hen, and I were in your shoes, I probably would, but that’s me
They open in twenty more minutes and I can call. I took her out of the box and put her down. The flock left the coop but she stayed and watched them go. I picked her up again and brought her to the outdoors food and watering area the flock beelined to and put her with the others. She is eating chicken food with them.

The vet says she does indeed have a stuck egg. Their xray machine broke over the week end so they are doing an ultrasound to learn more and see if they can help her pass the egg
The vet returned with my bird and said her wbc count was triple normal level and all signs point to egg yolk peritonitis. She is started on clavamox and meloxicam

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