In your opinions...which is the most friendly breed?


11 Years
Mar 15, 2008
Northern NJ
Just curious. I know they are all cute and sweet in their own way.

Just wondering what some of you think in your experience was a friendly breed.
I would have to say Dominics [sorry for the spelling] the are so friendly mine follow me everywhere.
Of the chickens I have (Leghorns, SS Hamburg, RIR, Australorp and Red Sex-link) my sex-link and Australorps are the friendliest.

However, none of mine aren't friendly - the others just don't come up to my feet as often to get attention.
My buff orps are my friendliest breed here. If you're not careful you'll be tripping over them the whole day long. They are constantly under your feet looking for a snuggle and pecking at your pants legs for you to bend down and pay them attention. LOL I love em.

My Barred Rocks are also the friendliest. Take treats right out of my hand. Sometime take treats out of my hands when I don't have treats. . . that kind of hurts.
Some breeds can be docile and quiet and still kind of distant, if that makes sense? I like the Brahmas but they have been like that.

On the other hand, the Australorps have always liked me . . . what can I say . . .

My buff orp's were very friendly - grab your pants leg or shoe laces - but my OEGB start singing as soon as I come in the barn. My blue splash hen sings even after I feed her, she likes to be petted! I wonder if she will be that friendly after she goes broody, she has seven eggs now, so I expect her to begin setting any day.

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