In your opinions...which is the most friendly breed?

Real question is, "how friendly are you"? From my experience I have found out that young children and animals can sense the love, ease and friendliness in you and react that way. Any chicken can be friendly if given the opportunity and QUALITY time, I suppose. Just SPEND time with them, they'll reciprocate!!!
The Buff Chantecler is the friendliest of the birds I've raised. One hen liked to hop up on my lap while I sat outside in the summer during their evening free-range. They're all I have had for the past few years.

My buff orps are the friendliest. They will jump onto my shoulder and play in my hair or follow me everywhere. When mary (a buff orp) was a baby She was in my laundry room in a pen. She would hop out of that pen every time she heard me. She would then run to the door and peck at it and start chirping. When I would open the door she would hop onto my foot and stay put. She still loves to be held. My Austrolope is also very friendly. She is just second to the orps.
No one has said it yet, but for me my EEs are the friendliest, or one of my EES is the friendliest and then I have two RIR that are very friendly as well....doesn't it depend on how much attention you give them?? I figured that any of the could be friendly if I spent time with them.
Mille Fleur D'Uccle...packed with sweetness and personality. My Meg knows her name and "talks" to me. She is also very "food driven", if ya know what I mean!!

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