In your opinions...which is the most friendly breed?

I guessing that most of the really friendly chickens were probably raised with love from eggs by their current owners, am I right?

We are going to be getting some already grown chickens (4 female) probably RIRs for eggs. Provided they were never abused, how friendly or easy to handle can I expect them to be? Can adult chickens get used to new people and become friendly or does that require raising from eggs or chicks?
I normally would have to say that the Silkies are my friendlies breed so far...BUT, I recently got some Exhibition Rhode Island Red egg that I ended up hatching.

Now, I have a few production RIR and they are like the rest of my large flock, not exactly wanting to be picked up.

I hatched 3 out of the Exhibition ones, and they are about a month old or so. They are looking gorgeous, and just stand there when I pick them up. They come over to see whats going on and seem very tame. Something I have never experienced with chicks of this age.
My Buff Orps rush the door and jump on my arms when I go to see them, but My Ameraucanas are very tolerant of being handled and don't run away. My Red Stars are stand-offish.
well i have an EE hen that just loves to be handled. She's "kinda" stand off ish, but when i bend down and snap my fingers, she RUNS over to be petted, grooms my hair and facial hair if i havnt shaved,lol. My gf has a RIR chick that loves to pick my ankles all the time, then when i bend over to pick her/him up it runs, then when i turn my back, its back to pecking,lol
Most of my chickens are pretty tame,because I spend time with them,. But I dont spend enough one on one time with each one. The modern game bantams are very friendly, talking to me when they see me and they come right up to me. I have one Mille Fleur d'Uccle who will jump in my lap. And 2 month old RIRs who jump in my lap. The moderns though, demand attention. My cochins are very nice, but they dont seek me out fot attention. My buff orps try to stay away, but are not that skitish. If I spent more time with them I think they would be better.
Our Orpingtons and Bantam Cochins are sweethearts. They enjoy being loved on. But I raised (hatched) all mine and spent time with and loved on them from the start.. They're our babies

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