INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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So with the hen that you have we can say that you have chicken with noodle! :gig
Yup! We usually name our chickens what we're going to make with them, or spices we're going to use. Alfredo will be chicken alfredo, Oregano will be eaten with oregano, Tortellini will be eaten with tortellini, (I can't wait to eat him, I love tortellini pasta!!) Parmesan will either be in a pasta with parmesan or we'll make chicken parmesan with him.
The same with our birds!
Yup! We usually name our chickens what we're going to make with them, or spices we're going to use. Alfredo will be chicken alfredo, Oregano will be eaten with oregano, Tortellini will be eaten with tortellini, (I can't wait to eat him, I love tortellini pasta!!) Parmesan will either be in a pasta with parmesan or we'll make chicken parmesan with him.  
after my own heart. I have calves Tim- turn into meat, char- as in char broiled, late-you can call me whatever you want just don't call me late for dinner, jd- just dinner, etc. :)
So I candled some of my eggs in the bator, set last sat night so on day...5??

In the bcm eggs things looked normal...but my EE eggs did not, to me. I mean maybe, maybe, they are developing. But I wasn't impressed and now I'm wondering how many were fertile (every one I cracked last week was fertile!! So these should all be too!) and I'm wondering if they got too warm before setting...that would suck. If not, maybe my temp has been low Nd they are just developing slower than ideal?

My temp is set at 100-101 now, I will candle in a few days but I am going to be so disappointed if I don't get any EE!! I was so excited about my first batch of blue layers that I raised myself! :-/
So I candled some of my eggs in the bator, set last sat night so on day...5??

In the bcm eggs things looked normal...but my EE eggs did not, to me. I mean maybe, maybe, they are developing. But I wasn't impressed and now I'm wondering how many were fertile (every one I cracked last week was fertile!! So these should all be too!) and I'm wondering if they got too warm before setting...that would suck. If not, maybe my temp has been low Nd they are just developing slower than ideal?

My temp is set at 100-101 now, I will candle in a few days but I am going to be so disappointed if I don't get any EE!! I was so excited about my first batch of blue layers that I raised myself! :-/
Yep, day 5. Tonight will be 6. It may be a bit early, and I wouldn't even consider any stage of development until day 7. You can tell a little on day 5, but day 7 seems to be the "sweet spot" for gauging developmental progress. Pre-setting environment can have a bearing on how fast or slow the embryos develop, so give it a day or two and you should know more at that time.

How would they have gotten too warm before setting? If they did, it would have jump-started development, and if your temps were a little low after setting, it would have slowed their metabolism somewhat. I wouldn't fret over them, just do what you know you need to do, and that's provide a stable environment for them. If you check them after a couple of days and there's no significant development, at least you'll know you've done all you can for them. Be stong, Bj... you're doing great!!!
Hi everyone! I know this is WAY off topic, but I posted it over on the disease/emergency thread and no answers. I have a RIR that is almost 6, she has a totally swollen rear end. No egg stuck that we can tell. Any idea what the cause is, or how we can treat it?

Of the 3 latest chicks one hatched fine, 2 were stuck and started cutting their beaks banging the same spot on the shell. One had a bunch of clearish goop by it's feet. I've rinsed them as clean as I could and put some neosporin on their navels, they look healed, but I felt better for doing it. I've left the 3 of them in the bator to fluff up, but now I'm worried my other pippers may be stuck as well, but I don't want to open the bator in case they aren't stuck...
I had a pipper that went 36 hours before hatching. He made a small pip and never made a sound, then 12 hours later made a slightly bigger pip and was completely silent and still, then 12 hours later made a dime-ish size hole and stuck his beak out and proceeded to "talk" out the hole. He peeped, wiggled, opened and closed his beak, tapped the edges of his shell, slept, rested, etc. for another 12+ hours. Then he finally started zipping and took 45 minutes to finish zipping before he finally finished hatching. I told him "OMG took you long enough!!!"

Anyway, story aside, if your humidity is up, don't worry about your pippers. Some take a REALLY LONG TIME! (like mine-haha!) If you're really worried about humidity put some steaming hot water in container and stick it in. Jumps the humidity crazy fast! Then WALK AWAY!
Okay, I think the thread will have to run itself for a little while. I think(?) Sally left me in charge... so that means everyone can run amok. Have fun, kiddos!!!!

Chicks hatched! 11 out of 13 eggs hatched(5 buffs and 6 Rhode Island reds). One of the chicks had some trouble hatching and now has a bloody vent. I tried to clean it with warm water but what looked like the yolk started coming out so I put him back in a separate brooder and i put some electrolytes in the water. What should I do?(the yolk is hanging out of his bottom and is a little bloody! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
do you have an image? keep away from other chicks, it needs to dry out, can you put him in a cup in the bator to keep it from rubbing it on Sto pull it more? try a drop or two of electrolytes every so often but DO NOT aspirate the chick, recipe for electrolyes are here towards the bottom, Hatching Eggs 101 also if it eats try scrambled egg yolk bits.... Sometimes these chicks dont make it, and get infection.... so dont be surprised if he heads down hill. If you assisted in any way, try to hold off a bit longer, I know its hard to keep fingers off but 99% of time the chicks will do fine on their own getting out if they have an external pip. see bottom of this also for a few stories on umbilical yolk issues Step by Step Guide to ASSISTED Hatching - BackYard Chickens Community

MY CHICK has yolk hanging and is dragging in the bator HELP! begin post #15672
Mushy Chick Disease YOLK SACK INFECTION: Mushy Chick Disease
HOW do I know when my chick as turned the corner? post #15777
HOW Sally Sunshine Euthanize chicks only for the strong at heart post #15697

I was wondering if someone can help me out , my quails that just started laying about two months ago , they were laying good eggs now the past week or so they have been laying brittle shelled eggs or eggs with no shells at all , I added grain and oyster shell to their feed when the first brittle egg was laid I even crushed up their shells and fed it back to them for about a week then it got where I couldn't even pick up their eggs without them crumbling in my hand , is there something I'm missing or what

Egg defects and CORRECTIVE steps, several pages filled with detailed information

Happy New Year everyone
Happy New Years sweetie!!

So we've decided to keep a buff rooster, meet Noodle!
NOODLE! sweet!!

Of the 3 latest chicks one hatched fine, 2 were stuck and started cutting their beaks banging the same spot on the shell. One had a bunch of clearish goop by it's feet. I've rinsed them as clean as I could and put some neosporin on their navels, they look healed, but I felt better for doing it. I've left the 3 of them in the bator to fluff up, but now I'm worried my other pippers may be stuck as well, but I don't want to open the bator in case they aren't stuck...
all you can do is keep track of external pip times estimate.... had you opened the bator a lot to get chicks out and such? this will get them later eggs stuck, everytime you open and close even though humidity goes back up you are adding that instant burst of cold air that takes that humidity on the shell right off, and it actually DRAWS out moisture.....

Well, it sounded gross to me but the chickens gobbled it up and looked for mor.

They could be lacking in vitamins that help them absorb the calcium or they could be sick with a parasite or something.

@Sally Sunshine

This was a chick with a bunch of goop left in the shell it was stuck in. Does it's abdomen look swollen?

it does look like a bit of a wet chick dear, or osteo.... but you will be able to feel the water loggness when you hold it. not much you can do but electrolytes vits.... was it from a dark egg? may not have enough weight loss and got to be a big chick from humidity. you can see here,,,, Omphalitis, yolk sack infection but I think it may just be a big wet chick, but have to see it better

So I candled some of my eggs in the bator, set last sat night so on day...5??

In the bcm eggs things looked normal...but my EE eggs did not, to me. I mean maybe, maybe, they are developing. But I wasn't impressed and now I'm wondering how many were fertile (every one I cracked last week was fertile!! So these should all be too!) and I'm wondering if they got too warm before setting...that would suck. If not, maybe my temp has been low Nd they are just developing slower than ideal?

My temp is set at 100-101 now, I will candle in a few days but I am going to be so disappointed if I don't get any EE!! I was so excited about my first batch of blue layers that I raised myself! :-/
how many days did you store them? and what conditions?

Hatching Eggs 101 Place the eggs upright in an egg carton with the FAT, air cell end of the egg UP! Allow eggs to sit in a moderately cool, somewhat humid place for storage. Basements are great. Moderately cool means 55-65 degrees. Rotate your eggs a 3 times a day to keep the embryo from sticking. An easy way to turn all of the eggs at once is to place a thick book under one end of the carton, and later remove the book and put it under the other end of the carton, 3 times a day. Before adding eggs to the incubator always WARM eggs UP slowly to room temperature. IF THE EGGS ARE COLD Condensation can cause bacterial growth on the eggs! You can collect eggs up until 10 days or so, but after the 7th day lower hatch rates may result.
Stored eggs take longer to hatch (about one hour per day of storage).
if you must wash using water warmer than the egg using warm water
as to not force bacteria into the egg( thermal properties) 1T bleach per gal.

It is important to ALWAYS wash your hands before handling your hatching eggs!​
you're doing great!!!
geezzz thanks Joey
Hi everyone! I know this is WAY off topic, but I posted it over on the disease/emergency thread and no answers. I have a RIR that is almost 6, she has a totally swollen rear end. No egg stuck that we can tell. Any idea what the cause is, or how we can treat it?

"Nasty CKN Butt" another article I wrote to help... see what you have time to do for her at the link
Vent Gleet

"Nasty Chicken Butt"
The word “Gleet” derives from the Latin “glittus”meaning “Sticky” so “Vent Gleet” is “Sticky Vent”
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