INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Thats awesome pete!
Let us know how it goes!!!

I will!
Oh, @TJChickens Are your seramas laying Right now? If they are I might want to buy maybe Like 9 eggs? I am not sure, Also how much would that be?
Question... Has anyone ever used glazed ceramic egg crates in an incubator? They are oven safe and food grade sealed. They have lower sides but are heavier so they won't tip over. They would also be easy to sterilize. Paper cartons were drying out the eggs and styrofoam is harder to sterilize... Thoughts?

I've never tried those (or even seen them) but I have used the plastic egg trays that used to come with refrigerators.

The biggest concern was that if the eggs were cool and the tray was warm, condensation would pool under the egg. Easily solved by having eggs and tray at room temp before setting.
SUPER busy day. Worked on the yard and cleaned up the house a bit, also got our groceries and stuff for Thanksgiving.

Today's featured coop design sounds AWESOME for reducing the mite issue. They seem to have the same "rain all day" issue we have. I may look into a plastic shed or playhouse coop instead. I'm still battling the little bloodsuckers, but temps outside are regularly hovering a smidge above freezing so they should be going into dormancy soon.

Birds are still molting, but they're nearly done. I miss my girls' eggs.
Before blaming the seller, you need to know if the eggs were fertile or not. The only way to do that is open them up and look at the blastocyst. Even if they are clear without any development, it still could be a shipping problem. Shipping kills a lot of eggs before they get a chance to develop at all. Clear and infertile do not necessarily mean the same thing. Open the eggs and look for that spot. Then talk to the seller. Most sellers are happy to send another shipment if you pay shipping costs. Especially if you know enough to check the blastocyst instead of assuming they sent you infertile eggs just because they were clear.......

Will do! I'm going to give them until day 10just to be sure. I've see just because they are clear on day 7 doesn't mean they aren't growing.
eBay has built in protection, I am not familiar with the insurance that is available but if you go to "my Ebay" and select return item, one option will be defective. Select defective (as they were not fertile) Write a one liner stating they are not fertile and then just wait. I am almost positive you will get a refund if not by the seller ebay will take care of it. (This is based on my understanding of how regular products work, maybe eggs are different not 100%)

However, as someone posted maybe check to see if they are fertile by cracking them and checking first. May not be in fact the sellers issue

If you do that, the seller will get zinged by eBay. Just contact the seller. They would rather work with you than have to jump through eBay's hoops. But you need to open the eggs, not assume they are infertile because they didn't develop.
Nah, I had been hearing so much about the chicken "hay bale" that I had to check it out. This ain't no place for me
What hay bale??? OOOHHHH.... Just figured it out! I'm just a tad slow. Any more bales in your neck of the woods? I'm without protection until spring due to snow taking down the netting. Had to go out and finish up what the snow didn't do today. Note to self: Don't work under snow laden bird netting without having your hood pulled all the way up over your head.
I would contact the seller and ask for replacements or refund if they are all clear. That is not a shipping problem, that is a rooster problem! Especially if the others are developing just fine, so it's obviously not your incubator.
After a week of incubation would there be degradation of the blastocyst so you couldn't tell?

I'm going to add chicken eggs to my bator tomorrow, already have duck eggs in there, tomorrow will be day 7 for them.
My question is should I or should I NOT add eggs laid tomorrow? Is it bad to set eggs on the same day they are laid?
I'd definitely add eggs laid on set date.

It is just fine to set eggs the same day that they are laid.
Do you have a separate bator for the new eggs? Putting new eggs in with some that are 7 days started is quite a ways out there.
WV's plan will have ducks and chicks hatching same day.
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I've never tried those (or even seen them) but I have used the plastic egg trays that used to come with refrigerators.

The biggest concern was that if the eggs were cool and the tray was warm, condensation would pool under the egg.  Easily solved by having eggs and tray at room temp before setting.

These would just be used for lockdown and hatching. I have a turner in my incubator but I have a staggered hatch so I need to pull eggs out for lockdown. They are all shipped eggs so I fear wonky air cells if I lay them flat.
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