INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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pulled from ehal


So this is "day 1"...set the eggs last night ...3 thermometers...two read 100.0 and one says 100.8...humidity at this ok? Do I need to change anything? Last night we were between 99.6 & 100 with 41% humidity.
Day one, yes It takes 21 days for chicken eggs to hatch so tonight at the same time you set last night will complete day one

Everything sounds good, unless you aren't sure the thermometers are accurate.
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[COLOR=FF0000]Hatching Eggs NEEDED AND..... [/COLOR]​

No item too small! We can always have smaller items for 2nd /3rd places!

Hatching Egg Donations, Fowl items new/used in good shape, BYC GFM's, Amazon Gift Cert, BYC Certs, etc all great items to donate! What some of us do is purchase an item from Amazon and send it directly to the winner, just make sure they have plenty of the item in stock, example chicken rooster fowl mugs are always cool!

[COLOR=EE82EE]"Springing in the Chicks" [/COLOR] 2016 April Hatch-a-Long

Hosted by Mike & Sally

Set Eggs ANYTIME in April,

If you have eggs in the bator in April you can join us!

EVERYONE is Welcome!


“Share a Laugh” Random Posting Thread OPEN!!!
“Share Helpful BYC TIPS” Random Posting Thread

Chick Mug Shots

Selfies with Fowl

Fowl drawing Contest

3/6/16 2 PM Thursday

[COLOR=FF0000]Shipped Eggs = Change Of Plans![/COLOR] post #53845

[COLOR=000000]BIRTHDAYS![/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]S5apiotrowsk[COLOR=800080]i 3/8,[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]karenerwin 3/14, MiraJane March 21st, Shahtir101March 22nd, [COLOR=800080]country lovin[/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]March 24th[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Making Bators:[/COLOR]

Canadachickens, fire 4th cabinet, CliftonFarmer cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator louly coolerbator Bantychooks coolerbator Attimus bator build post #57021 post #58232 post #59461 post #59887 post #63164 post #63581 post #64394 Joey Ur-ur-ur-ur post #58273 mrleeroy update post #57336 Chaos18 post #60710 tao chick post #63312
Taos genius microwave turner starting post #1516 post #1520 post #2150 post #35831 post #1790 post #43486 post #48591 post #51403 post #56355 post #58607 post #58920 post #60294
[COLOR=000000]Coop expansions:[/COLOR]

Silverhair, chaos18, hippiestink,Fire Ant Farm @Fire Ant Farm do we get updated coop images? current to 2/26 at 12 pm [COLOR=000000]HATCHING/INCUBATION [/COLOR] granny hatchet 2/10 I put 50 eggs in today and had room for 22 more. LOL I opened all of todays eggs as it was freezing out and didnt see any thing watery. no ice except for the fact I have an egg eater and found a frozen yolk. they will be due March 3rd. LOCKDOWN ! 39 eggs. Some I cant see through so not knowing if they are good or not. 6 no good. 2 infertile, 2 stuck, ChickenLady2014 aka Lisa 3-3-16 day 7 candling. Started with 23 eggs, had 1 Icelandic egg not fertile, 2 Chant/EExIce mixes not fertile, 1 Silkie early death, 1 EE/Ice mixes not fertile & 4 SFH not fertile. So I have 16/23 eggs left. I also added 1 Silkie egg to the EHAL ~ for a total of 19. Fire aka Hero always hatching! shoved 8 under a broody Cochin tonite. Be like fisheye surprise as those eggs I put under her were off the free range group. God only knows what combo they'll be. Sally Sunshine Always hatching! cochin legbar marans ducks projects serama olive eggers etc. [COLOR=000000]NestingHillsSC[/COLOR] aka Tony always hatching! Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat always hatching TJChickens aka TJ Alays hatching @TJChickens hope all is ok! PHAGE always hatching! Hatch update: lots hatched - about 50. Sorry I did not get a pic of them and now they are all gone. BUT- there are about 30 in the bator on day 9 ish and about 100 waiting to go in tonight. Breeds are: Bcm, BF, CL, swedish black, dwarf olansk, mottled orpingtons, bss orps, and a bunch of other rare breeds. Theses are not mine. Hatching then feeds my hatching addiction, and helps out my friend by hatching for her! Totally win win! DHetzle always hatching jwlpoultry aka Justin Always Hatching! 3/6 2 Brown Chinese/ White Chinese goose eggs 3/7 30 Texas A&M quail set 3/11 19 Idaho Blueback Pheasants set Feb 18 3/12 13 Rhodebar, 7 barnyard mix, 3 Rhodebar/Lav orp 3/26 1 Brown Chinese/White Chinese goose egg 3/27 1 Toulouse goose egg Set my eggs for the Easter Hatch-A-long. 1 Brown/White Chinese goose egg set 2/26 1 Toulouse goose egg set 2/28 4 Ameri-flower 4 SBEL 2 OE 1 EE 3 Maran 3 Lavender Orpington 20 Rhodebar 31 Barnyard mutts 10 Lavender Orp/ Rhodebar 3 LO/ Unknown breed Splash hens With a grand total of 81 chicken eggs set around 12:30 p.m and 2 goose eggs Canadachickens aka cc Last hatch 8 of 13 Auracana , 2 late quitters, 3 dis. :( Set my eggs for Easter today.3/6 8 leghorn 8 Easter eggers 8 Columbian rocks 6 silkies Haven't had time to finish cabinet bator, so back to the good old hovabator mrleeroy My update is a successful (3-day) hatch. Locked down 7 eggs and got 7 chickies! The other 32 are due 3/3. Also I candled the eggs from set 2 yesterday (day 14) and didn't pull any of 32. Saris aka Lacie 4 pips, and 10 chicks! The chick I made a peek hole at is out and about and doing well. These guys are big and soft and I love them so much! LocalYokel aka Yokel 13 Dominicker 5 Leghorn, may be White or Brown, mostly Whites in that coop.(Not the cheery oldish dude Whites) Hope the Doms and Leghorns are fertile. 7 RIR 2 out of 3 eggs under broody bator are alive/developing, 1 RIR 1 Leghorn, tossed the other. 4 out of 5 Leghorn in bator showing veins! I have 5 White Leghorns in the bator right now Due the 25th @LocalYokel eggs arrive? Venymae possibly fried her eggs at 113 degrees!! OH MY @venymae did you candle? got an update for here? Daxigait Hatch 1: 3 ccl, 7 Swedish flower hens, and 8 EE that were set on the 7th. Hatch 2: set 2/22 12 Ameruacana, and 2 blue black splash English Orpingtons Replacement chicks ordered for next week. 3/1 Lockdown on the first group (ccl, Swedish flower hens, and EE)! gotro17 aka Shellee The surrogate hatch for [@=]@Jessimom[/@] was reasonably successful with 1 Brahma and 6 silkies. We have our theories the Brahma eggs may have gotten bacteria... I'm also pegging wonky humidity dips in the beginning. I tried the "dry" method until about day 14 when I couldn't stand 30 degree variables anymore. Back to what worked last hatch, keeping humidity around 38%...until lockdown then 68-70... Always 100 degrees. Hawk12 aka Kristie I set brahmas and marans tonight. 3/3 Orpingtons will be set tomorrow and Sat. Total of 80 eggs. Hope it goes well
@Hawk12 update? deserteggs227 eggs in lockdown all 7 still kicking 2/17 It's the morning of day 21 here,2/21 and all 4 of my Barnaul eggs are pipping. And my huge double yolker's air sack looks kinda funky. Is that normal? @deserteggs22 you set again? Peachickie aka Nicole 100% hatch from the broodybator aka marshmallow the silkie. 4 silkies and 3 polish babies. Auroradream26 aka Jess Looks like my hatch is just about over. I still have 1 egg that's pipped and making noise in the bator but that's all that's left. I did a quick candle to all the others before pulling them and doing eggtopsies. Looks like 13 quitters. 4 about halfway, the rest, full term. I'm assuming they were too weak from the temp drop in the bator to actualy hatch. Most didn't even pip. If this last one hatches fine, I'll have 17 poults from the 30 eggs ambe0487 2/1 I put the eggs in lockdown this morning because I will be busy getting ready for the snow storm that is suppose to hit over night here, day 18 actually starts at 3 p.m. 29 eggs, which comprise of 6 Isa brown/Legbar mix, 9 EE/ Bresse mix, and 14 Buff Orp. @ambe0487 update? Fire Ant Farm aka Kristin I just set 8 cream legbar eggs (all from Lissa) in the Brinsea. [COLOR=000000]S5apiotrowski[/COLOR] aka Anastasia aka AC I am setting 15 eggs tonight for the Easter Hatch-a-long. I have 12 easter-eggers (some should be olive eggers) and 3 Barnvelder eggs - all from my flock. Will be a little late - but almost decided against setting... I'll be moving soon Chicken Hawk33 aka CH aka Seth setting a goose egg 2/16 we have a goose four and we have a.heart.2/20 goose egg number one is on day 17,embryo growing big and very active do to hatch between the 15@19of March.eggs two too five are on day five.all have hearts.those are due to hAtch between the 28@31 of March. [COLOR=333333]Jessimom aka Kathy [/COLOR] 22 eggs set on 3/2 - a mix of Silkie/Sizzle/Frilkie and Cream Legbars They started out in the Incuview, but are now in my LG. Late on 3/5 we set 15 Blue Bantam EE's (Thanks TJ), 16 Spitzhauben eggs (Thanks Crazytalk), 19 of my own Silkie eggs and 6 Trader Joes eggs that I doubt are fertile, but I'm trying anyway. These are all in the new Brinsea. I added another 4 Trader Joes eggs in my LG. So, a total of 60 eggs for the Easter HAL. HeatherMarieR @HeatherMarieR did you set more? country lovin aka Ty 1 marans 2 Olive eggers on day 19 put 35 mixes in on Thursday due to hatch on my bday and 5 mixes went in today! campinghaws aka campin aka Sharon Sally I've hatched 7 EEs (5 black and 2 blonde). There are four green eggs left, and five honas left. Two honas are pipped. It's just now day 21 so I think my temps were a tad warm. Tao Chick I set 18 Cream Brabanters on 2/28. The seller had sent them earlier than I expected so I scrambled to get them into my incubator. :-( I've already tossed 5 weeping eggs (I should've done so many things differently) She agreed to send me some more. I'm building an incubator out of a mini fridge. I'll use the MacGyverBator as a hatcher depending on when/how eggs are doing. caeti21 12 conturnix quail placed 2/21 24 rir eggs 2/21 @caeti21 candle update? 6 pth SLW (they are the slow developing ones )still alive and growing they were placed 1/30v 3 pth bantam mixes(1/30 for 1 ) 2/10 for two 2 pth ameracauna eggs(2/5)(2/6) Last night i was able to move a few of my 1/30 eggs into lockdown when i candled them they looked fully developed and were moving , so fingers crossed and i was able to move my normal lockdown ones in as well so here they are 2 pth americaunavvv5 pth slw 3 pth [COLOR=000000]butterfliesdoku[/COLOR] aka Vanessa Well my hatch is complete (day 23). I have 26 beautiful baby chicks for a total hatch rate of 85%. Because all of the chicks BUT ONE have muffs that means the father of most was my Easter Egger and the father of the one chick was the Silver Sebright/ Thai mix. Thank you!!! My next hatch is due the 8th @butterfliesdoku how did candle go and do you have an update for this? sarah25bear aka Sarah My update is 41 eggs the farm chick variety of partridge Cochin rooster mating with rir hens and barred rock hens starting at 9pm tonight. CyndiD I have10 WH duck eggs being shipped to me next week. Is there a site I can read that will help me prepare the eggs for incubating? I have not received my SWH eggs yet!! tomorrow or the next day??? I will be setting SWH duck eggs and Pekin duck eggs.... AND Australorp over LH, WCBP and NH chicken eggs. My SWH duck eggs should be here tomorrow and I will have to set them 1 week early for HAL, oops, ordered them 1 week too early... @CyndiD update on eggies? [COLOR=000000]Meaghan[/COLOR] Just put two duck eggs in the incubator this morning 2/15. First time experimental hatch! I set literally 10 or so breeds/mixed breeds. I got eggs from friends and my girls. There are 50 eggs total. @Meaghan how did this go? Got an update? Math I incubate with the LG 9200.I set backyard mixed chicken eggs on Monday, February 15th for friends of ours. I set an incubator full. I think it was 68. Our friends need to replace brown egg layers. @Math how did it go? [COLOR=000000]bauerdog[/COLOR] aka Joanne 3/3 just set my eggs for the HAL. 33 total, paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, white leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorns, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans. DON956 Just set 48 eggs at 12pm central time. 2/19 @DON956 Did you candle again? 12 RIR 12 Delaware 12 Plymouth Barred Rock 12 Golden Sex Link Due on the 11th of March, 45 eggs left but one has a hair thin crack but still developing and moving around inside ( don't know how I missed that one when setting them) 13 more days to go. Chicknlvn . so it's my first time incubating. Today is day 7 so this morning I candled all my eggs (36 total), marked air cells and pulled blood ring/cracked eggs. Now for some reason I can't get my humidty to stabilize.... it's up to 38 and I can't get it to come down and stay down. @Chicknlvn how is it going? billiejw89 2/25 7 babies Hatched @billiejw89 set more eggs? kissofcrimson @kissofcrimson have you set more eggs? [COLOR=000000]Akrnaf2 aka Benny[/COLOR] Sal. Count me in! Theis is my second setting! 4 Rumples Aracauna 5 BPR 3 PPR This time I am hopping for an higer percentage, of sucsseful hatches! Chaos18 12 Ancona eggs (pulled two clear day 7) now have 10 16 Dominique eggs 16 Partridge Chantecler & Partridge Chantecler/Java mix Total currently in bator 42 Roada Red I have 14 of my flocks eggs in the incubator today is day 8 and they are starting to form and they are mixed with my EE rooster and americauna hen that is also mixed with barred rock salmon faverole and silver penciled rock 3/1 I have 14 chicken eggs I set a few days ago if that counts also NaJoBeLe aka Nathan Update. Pulled 8 out of the dozen shipped eggs. They were on day 7 and no veins at all. Cracked them open don't think they were fertile. Think this is just membrane right? First time with the eggtopsy stuff so i wasnt sure what to expect. Let me know thoughts please. Added 37 of mine for the Easter HAL. pjnbill22 We put. 9 midget white turkey eggs down this evening and hubby just went in to check the temp/humidity before going to bed. Everything looks great, but he heard a tapping sound. There are eighteen chicks in the room, but they were all sleeping. There are also 30+ assorted chicken eggs due to hatch tomorrow or Saturday in another incubator- I guess we have an EE who wants to get the worm, because one egg has a good sized pip hole in it and it keeps rocking back and forth! We're going to bed excited as if we were going to be grandparents again! I can hardly wait for morning @pjnbill22 I never added when you set or due! have an update for us? Mirajane 10 Ayam Cemani Eggs set March 1st, due March 3rd 12 Mille Fleur D'Uccle Eggs set March 3rd, due March 23rd Cynthia12 Got my Shipped eggs today..anyone else get some EE eggs from the Hutson family in Colorado? For the hatch a long? Let me know..would love to compare as we go along with the hatch. I can almost guarantee fertility on these. Had 29 hatch out of 32 that went into lock down...they sent 36. My Mille Fleur eggs came today from Georgia to here in California. All 12 are intact, and 3 have bad saddle cells, 2 others minor saddle cells, and they are looking great for such a long trip! My Ayam Cemani eggs I set yesterday, and 10 are in. c BantyChooks Set 11 OEGB mutts and 1 EE egg (oops..) 3/5, very hopeful about getting chicks this time as I caught a big mistake I did last time! Fingers crossed for lil chix in 21 days! I'll be buying myself a congrats/ consolation prize of 5 leghorn pullets and an EE roo at the end of march, so I'll have chicks either way.... LOL. lindalouly quail hatch I will be setting tomorrow at 4.. 11 eggs total in my bator...2/28 I set four eggs. 3/5 Shahtir101 I got me a broody serama! She has 3 eggs under her right now and my friend is going to bring me more serama eggs to put under her tomorrow! That means I won't set for the EHAL, but will still be around the same time. Set 6 more serama eggs They are due to hatch on the 21st of March! Right before my birthday! Finnie am running a practice batch of chicken eggs in a styrofoam cooler-bator I made over the weekend. (I didn't want to run a test hatch in the Incuview, and then have it occupied when the turkey eggs are ready.) Plus I was kind of curious to see if I could make a diy that really works, so I just did it. @Finnie what did you set and when due? have update? [COLOR=000000]lozerface79 aka Matt[/COLOR] 13 eggs and counting. We are calibrating the bator and putting the eggs in tonight! 3/3 howfunkyisurchicken aka Nichole EMU! Just got done weighing the emu eggs. Here's what's going on (I'm calling the eggs what they're marked, so CE, CH, CI and CQ): CE-632g, needs to loose 94.8g (11.85g/week). Target end weight 537.2g. CH-685g, needs to loose 102.75g (12.84g/week). Target end weight 582.25g. CI-666g, needs to loose 99.9g (12.49g/week). Target end weight 566.1g. CQ-598g, needs to loose 89.7g (11.21g/week). Target end weight 508.3g. I'll weight them each Friday to check weight loss and adjust humidity accordingly. I'll start with 35% humidity and a temp of 95.5F near the center of the egg. That should put them hatching somewhere around 4/23, maybe a little before. I hope. I forgot have have 2 broodies sitting on eggs! One should be due to hatch soon. She's sitting on one Silkie/Sizzle egg and 4 Olive Egger/Silkie mix eggs! The other just got started the other day and has 4 Silkie/Sizzle eggs. [COLOR=000000]DianaMallory [/COLOR] Day 21 and 11 out of 15 eggs are hatched, 4 lonely eggs remain in the incubator. All 11 are all fluffed up now and in the temp brooder box. this was my first hatch ever, and The one thing I will do different next time is, I will use a separtart box for hatching! I just hope I can get the smell out of the incubator! YUCK! Now I know why the video I watched used one for incubating and one for hatching. firedragon1982 Ducklings are here!! This was a pic my husband sent me at work. Had 1 hatch right when I was getting ready for work, a second hatch as I ran out the door. We are now up to 6: 4 girls 2 boys, with another on the way! One was DIS. It had zipped half way then stopped but was moving when I saw it, and of course I had to leave so I had my husband assist it, and it was dead, but came easily out of the shell. No idea what happened and it was a girl One goose egg had pipped last night. Nothing from the other 2 yet 3/5 flocktastic Set 42 eggs tonight (3/5) at 11:11pm CST! 6 Ameraucauna eggs shipped from sahwithchicks 6 exchequer, 6 marans, 6 Ameraucauna from a last minute local source and 16 random barnyard mixes from our flock (includes barred rock rooster over Easter egger, barred rock, black jersey giant and black sex link)
[COLOR=FF0000]Changes to Antibiotics Regulations Coming December 2016 most will need RX post #53348 [/COLOR] By Dr. Mike Apley List of Affected Applications/MEDICINES CLICK HERE

NEW INFO TO GO INTO OUR NOTES LINKS PAGE! [COLOR=008080]“The Bordeaux-Bator” Ozexpat build[/COLOR] post #1495 [COLOR=008080]Wine cooler incubator (Winner of the 2009 DIY incubator contest)[/COLOR] Click HERE Incu Warehouse heat won't go up post #46629 [COLOR=008080]Horizontal DIY Turner[/COLOR] post #64675 [COLOR=008080]DIY Quail Turner[/COLOR] post #64682 [COLOR=008080]Fertile Duck Egg Pics[/COLOR] post #64686 [COLOR=008080]Automatic coop door [/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]Results Shipped SS Way[/COLOR] post #63575 [COLOR=008080]cree[/COLOR] post #6321 [COLOR=008080]Day 5 candle[/COLOR] post #3285 post #1734 post #12637 post #12762 post #42556 post #64784 [COLOR=000000][COLOR=008080]Mule Ducks or Moulards[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=008080]What to do when you find a HIGH TEMPS in Bator[/COLOR] post #7061
[COLOR=FF0000]Its a tool to get the correct weight loss in the egg![/COLOR] post #7068

what is the fowl drawing contest
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