INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I don't think any of my coops are completely level.
I'll set the coop on a platform, which will serve as the floor, and support the whole thing on 4x4's, like I did the 1st one; seems to have worked out well. High enough to keep nasty critters out.
This is my second time hatching eggs. I hatched ducks last year and chicks this year. I have three chicks that have hatched, and 4 eggs that have not. This is day 23/24. I don't see any pips, but I'm afraid to "float test" them. When I candle them, I'm about 90% sure I see something moving inside (but that could just be liquid moving inside the egg, right?). At what point should I try to "help" the chicks hatch? I know it's not recommended, but I don't want to give up on these chicks!

Thanks for your help!
I'll set the coop on a platform, which will serve as the floor, and support the whole thing on 4x4's, like I did the 1st one; seems to have worked out well. High enough to keep nasty critters out.
My coops are all elevated to keep the critters out as well.

Umm. I think they are all chicken.

Yes, Ground works well!

I thought it, but wasn't thinking it. He needs more coffee!
Sounds like you need more coffee if you thought it but didn't think it.

I have more trouble with square than level.
Yea I gave up on the as well. After all I'm building a chicken coop not the Taj Mahal.
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