INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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:oops: I was just called mean for saying that a mean male should be eaten. He attacks all humans and animals. Even large dogs. One hen must live inside, because he picked all of her feathers out.
Yup. I'm mean.
Quote: I use a tractor pattern that I like (adapted with a raised platform and roost). Google "Stress free chicken tractor plans" to find it...

Quote: Yeah, I was wondering what an 'eagle eye' was

One of the funniest things to me is this: You know how some folks here on BYC are REALLY picky about the spelling of Ameraucana, and how if anyone spells it "Americana" then that automatically means it's an Easter Egger, or that they don't know what they are talking about or are otherwise ignorant?

I recently got one, so I started typing it. Try typing it in BYC. Did you see that? Ameraucana autocorrects to "Americana" - repeatedly, annoyingly, always.

Quote: He doesn't even correct us anymore when we call it the Barbiebator...

Well, Mr. Tucker's got himself a reprieve, at least for now.

Before DW went back to work, I was asking her about the controls on her new stove so I could get the hot water ready. She asked if I planned to "do the deed" today. I told her I was as soon as the water got hot enough. Then I let her talk me into holding off, at least for the time being, and start carrying a stick with me in the run in case he decides to try me again.

I know y'all think I'm only delaying the inevitable, and maybe / probably I am, but I've been sitting here thinking about it all day & most of last night since our little "encounter", and haven't felt at all comfortable with the finality of it all. I drove a lot of miles to get him, and have since invested a lot of time in him, and if I end it all now, I'll be that much longer getting the darker eggs that started this operation to begin with. Not that darker eggs are better than any others; I've known all along that isn't the case, but I happen to prefer them, and as long as I'm housing & feeding the producers of those eggs, why not try to get the results I want, the quickest way possible? Besides all that, I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him; I thought he was a strikingly beautiful animal then, and I always will, regardless of the cause of his demise. Anyway, is it really his fault that he's protective of his little harem of redheads, or that his testosterone level is high? Isn't that the case with most males in their prime, regardless of species?

Okay, I admit it; I'm really a big softy about animals. That's just me, & I can live with that.

To be continued....
Seriously, whites, you have GOTTA try to water gun/pistol thing. I have a Cream Legear rooster who is VERY protective of his hens and coop, and I get a complete 180 from him when he gets a face full of water - many times just picking it up induces sudden subordinate behavior. And I can do it at a distance. He understands I'm boss, and should he get in his head to come after me, it straightens him out. He would have been soup long ago without the Super Soaker.... It can't hurt to try it if you would like to otherwise keep him. Spray him full on in the face if he lunges at you (it may take more than one), and he'll figure out who's boss really quickly...

Quote: The only time I REALLY lose something and can't find it is when I've put it "in a safe place"...

Well, folks, my crazy little Speckled Sussex pullet (Dotty) who was the chronic escapee and refused to stay in her (relatively protected) paddock is missing, presumed dead. I'd be more sad if I wasn't expecting it to happen any day now, since she refused to take cover and kept trying to stay outside of the coop/paddock. I think it was a hawk - she wasn't in the coop at bedtime last night, and wasn't anywhere in the yard that I could find. I looked again in more light this morning, and only found a little tiny bit of fresh innards that might be hers back in the brush - no feathers or blood. I think it may have been dropped. We have both owls and hawks - could have been either, honestly.

Poor silly little thing...

- Ant Farm
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I never liked that thread anyway. I won't go into it. This "mean" person (me) would rather laugh at the way some people think. "Rehoming" isn't the answer. IMO
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