Incubator & movement in egg. - RIP Chip/Chipette

Much better for him. I will probably keep this post up since it means a lot to me now and that the thread title is accurate since I have another few coming.
Just have to wait for them to come along and hopefully healthy because I don't know if I could go through this again.
Thanks for all your apologies and hugs, I appreciate it very much.
I just wish he didn't have to go.
Very sorry.
Much better for him. I will probably keep this post up since it means a lot to me now and that the thread title is accurate since I have another few coming.
Just have to wait for them to come along and hopefully healthy because I don't know if I could go through this again.
Thanks for all your apologies and hugs, I appreciate it very much.
I just wish he didn't have to go.
I was hoping you would keep it going, we still have more ducklings to come after all.
I'd say just about all of us have lost ducklings and it's never easy, but having a forum like this sure helps knowing others know how you feel. .
Oh, WC I am so sorry. I just read through this entire thread, hoping against hope that RIP meant something else
So so sorry to hear about your little one, I know how attatched I was to my 2 duck girls when they were little, it's so hard not to they are so cute. I don't know what I'd have done if they had those troubles, you did so well with him and he was lucky to have you. Best of luck with your coming hatches, I hope that they all make it happy and healthy, sounds like they have a great mom
I gotta say Kevin and Miss Lydia have helped me with a lot of my duck questions too, they are great folks to have around.
WhiteCrested, I, like many others for sure, have been following along with you and those angels who have been supporting you with their knowledge. I have not yet tried to hatch ducklings, so don't know much and so I didn't want to add to the thread. I have never followed any other event so closely as I have your experience. I've checked in several times each day just to keep up. You did a beautiful job with this dear little one. You showed wonderful intelligence with all your questions, descriptions, and seeking all the details you needed to give him the best chance possible. Your compassion has been remarkable. I and I'm sure many others have learned from this experience. Don't want to say too much, but just encourage you to set your sights on the others that are on the way and know that so many of us on this forum admire you and are waiting to continue the journey with you.
Oh, WC I am so sorry. I just read through this entire thread, hoping against hope that RIP meant something else :hit So so sorry to hear about your little one, I know how attatched I was to my 2 duck girls when they were little, it's so hard not to they are so cute. I don't know what I'd have done if they had those troubles, you did so well with him and he was lucky to have you. Best of luck with your coming hatches, I hope that they all make it happy and healthy, sounds like they have a great mom :rolleyes:  I gotta say Kevin and Miss Lydia have helped me with a lot of my duck questions too, they are great folks to have around.

These were some wonderful words, thank you.
I tried to stay strong for him and I did think he had a good life for what he had.
Miss Lydia and Kevin and Iain have been amazing and helped me through this whole thing until the end.
WhiteCrested, I, like many others for sure, have been following along with you and those angels who have been supporting you with their knowledge. I have not yet tried to hatch ducklings, so don't know much and so I didn't want to add to the thread. I have never followed any other event so closely as I have your experience. I've checked in several times each day just to keep up. You did a beautiful job with this dear little one. You showed wonderful intelligence with all your questions, descriptions, and seeking all the details you needed to give him the best chance possible. Your compassion has been remarkable. I and I'm sure many others have learned from this experience. Don't want to say too much, but just encourage you to set your sights on the others that are on the way and know that so many of us on this forum admire you and are waiting to continue the journey with you.

Joy, I cannot express how much this meant to me. I literally cried while reading this because I never thought someone I never met would understand and see how much I cared for this little one. I really did hope that I have him a wonderful life and did well with him. My compassion is remarkable to myself also and I never felt so close to an animal before in my life. I probably never will. I knew he had something wrong and I just spent hours and hours holding him and talking to him and encouraging him to get well. I dearly appreciate the admiration of all of you, and I am ready to begin the rest of my journey.

And with that. UPDATE:
I have 3 eggs now shaking and making peeping sounds. There is one that is farthest along and he has pipped through the shell and has made a pretty big opening if I do say so myself. He has been peeping since I woke up and I did see his bill (nose or beak not sure what you call it), and he looks nice so far, will update with more later this afternoon.
Thanks again for all of your kind words and help. It means the world to me.
The second egg has HATCHED!
He came out on his own, eyes wide open not like poor lil chip, has been holding his head up in a straight position,
and has been trying to get on his feet. Looks 100% better than Chip did when he came out.
I wish he didn't hatch this soon but I guess this is looking up.
We have already named him Krackle. I hope he comes out well, pray for him.

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