Indian Runner drakes


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 14, 2012
My buff orp was injured and spent time away from the flock, on return to the yard the 2 Indian runners that live with them are chasing her everywhere....just her.many suggestions would be appreciated.
buff orp duck or chicken? ether way its almost mating season for ducks so there hormones are kicking into gear and NOTHING is safe from a drake when its the season. so you might need to lock your predatory drakes away.
Buff orp hen...are you saying that the drakes will be having a go at my hens during mating season? Ouch they might be finding a new home I think.... Thanks
I think even in the duck forum we would want to know:
Is this a buff duck or a buff orpington chicken?
Also, I have heard of people who own only drakes having problems with their drakes mounting their chickens. Some drakes who have been raised by chickens, too. They seem to get confused about who is an appropriate mate.
Ducks typically don't have the kinds of troubles with "pecking orders" as chickens do, so I assume this harassment is of an amorous nature. They may just be inspecting "the new girl".
I would have this moved to the duck thread. I am sure you would get many helpful responses there.
they said hen so i assume chicken but ether way, the way a drake says hello to any new girl usually involves sexually harassing them into submission.
they said hen so i assume chicken but ether way, the way a drake says hello to any new girl usually involves sexually harassing them into submission.

In his second post the OP did state that it was a chicken hen. Yes drakes will breed chicken hens and in doing so may seriously injure or kill them. Drakes are anatomically 'different' from roosters. My recommendation would be to separate the drakes from the chickens before the hens are injured - cloacal prolapse.

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