Indian Runner Ducks


Jul 14, 2018
Hello! I'm new to the board and would very much like to network with Indian Runner Duck owners. We have four, six week old ducklings, raised from hatchlings at the same time. We live in semi-urban North Seattle, and have a half-acre. Have had nice large structure and 'house' and large run built for them, but would love to hear what Indian Runner Duck owners have come up with for both 'house' floor material, and the fenced structure. Thanks so much! Ed Nudelman
Well where are the pics? Those of us with Runners enjoy them so much we thrive on seeing everyone else’s too! Mine are on wood flooring with vinyl over top and thick layer of shavings on top of that, can’t help on run we have half acre fenced with no climb horse fencing and barb wire they are all inside this during the day locked up in coops before dark. :welcome
Welcome to BYC!
Yes, pics please! I own four Indian Runner hens: 1 black, 1 blue, 1 chocolate, 1 fawn and white. I'm glad you built them a big run, because they love to forage and they get bored easily. Great little yard de-buggers :D Mine sleep in a 10x10 coop with 21 other ducks and a very large run, not sure on the measurements of that, I'll try to get some pics later. Again :welcome, Glad you joined our community of crazy poultry lovers!
Hi! House floor material is shavings, there is a watering station to keep bedding fairly dry. Outdoor pen base is compost formed from duck manure and leaves and chopped straw mostly, topped up with chopped straw as needed, and the top couple of inches raked out from time to time and put either on the garden as mulch, or into the compost. The pen is on a slight, 2% slope so it drains, and the soil material also allows for drainage.

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