A very vivid description of my feelings of the feather mattress. I would not have made it on the frontier. Things like flour sack clothing, corn cob mattress, even feather mattress are just not for me. But a feather pillow with enough pillowcases on it is not too bad.

CCC..Chickens. I have found out that my youngest is not tolerating the puppies well. He is getting a goopy eye reaction. I wanted to let you know I have them listed on Craigslist for $25 each. The $25 is to cover the cost of their puppy collars and leashes as well as the flea medicine, not to make a profit. To be honest at this point I would drop the fee for the right family. However CL does not allow free pet listings. So I had to come up with something that sounded reasonable and yet nowhere near $150-250 that is clearly trying to make a profit.
Thank you for telling me and not trying to make a profit on them. Sorry that your youngest is having issues with the puppies. I hope that you find a good home for them.
Well I'm a big softy, and it's going to be really cold here tonight, so I brought momma and her three inside and put them in the brooder. She isn't sure about the other chicks yet, but I put a towel over the brooder to darken it up a bit and put the other chicks under her. She is covering herself with bedding, but she isn't being mean to the other chicks. I don't hear chirping or growling so I think everyone must be comfortable.So we will see. Here are the inside littles while I cleaned out the brooder before I brought momma in.

I bought a buff laced bearded polish pullet from Joel Henning, He was very nice. Told me a few things about the breed I didnt know. I only paid $25 and she is really pretty and friendly. I walked through the sales coops every 20 mins except for when I left for lunch.
I have a pair of Buffed Laced Polish. Any interesting info you may have gathered would be nice to hear, if you care to share.
I have a pair of Buffed Laced Polish. Any interesting info you may have gathered would be nice to hear, if you care to share.
He was telling me how the new feathers she would have after she molted should look. He mostly talked about her feathers and the patterns of them, things that I would of never payed attention too,(lacing wise) if he wouldn't of pointed them out, well at least not with this breed. The polish I had before, didnt molt when i had them so i didnt really get to see how much they changed. If you pay attention to the detail of the lacing, they do change a bit. Is your pair from Joel?
He was telling me how the new feathers she would have after she molted should look. He mostly talked about her feathers and the patterns of them, things that I would of never payed attention too,(lacing wise) if he wouldn't of pointed them out, well at least not with this breed. The polish I had before, didnt molt when i had them so i didnt really get to see how much they changed. If you pay attention to the detail of the lacing, they do change a bit. Is your pair from Joel?
No. Mine are just hatchery stock from MMCM. They are about 8 months old. My female is also bearded, but the male is not.
Moving chicks around in the brooders again. Trying to give them more space until they can take the cooler night temps out in the growout coop. Setting up more brooders can be time consuming but it gives me a chance to make sure all of the runts are doing ok. And there always seems to be a runt or two.
Sally - what age are you going to put them outside? I've never had chicks this time of year.

My duckling has tripled in size I think in a week and a half. I wonder when I can safely put him out in the yard....

Why did it have to get so cold!!
Sally - what age are you going to put them outside? I've never had chicks this time of year.

My duckling has tripled in size I think in a week and a half. I wonder when I can safely put him out in the yard....

Why did it have to get so cold!!

I will need them to have all of their feathers which can happen as early as 4 weeks but in reality is closer to 6 weeks imo. I need to get my other coop finished enough to have the adult birds in it. I'm also wanting the hawks to finish migrating before I let the almost adult birds out to free range. Since the new coop will not have a run, I will have to balance how finished the coop is with how finished the hawk migration is before moving more chicks out of the basement.
DH changed the location of the new coop. Originally it was going to connect to the grow out run so that I could easily let the birds into a covered run on days I did not want to free range and just keep the little ones in the growout coop. I need to think of something to accomplish that still. A tunnel would be too long and hard to maintain, but maybe a partial tunnel on wheels. Or a sectional tunnel that I can easily set up the night before and take down the next day. I just know Dh is going to say wait till spring for anything like a tunnel though.
Hey there everyone! Very excited to find a Hoosier BYC thread! I wish I had found this thread sooner. I have 11 hens (Black Stars, Jersey Giants, RIRs and an Ameraucana) and 18 Speckled Sussex eggs in the incubator, on day 2. In the Terre Haute area, haven't looked to see if there is anyone else from my town.
Welcome, kkelsh. We are a very chatty, helpful group, you will find out.

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