
That doesn't seem to be a breast blister, just general burning or irritation from wet or soiled litter. You did say these were new, so they could have been in not too good of conditions. And you are sure it's a silkie rooster, not a hen? The pattern looks like when a silkie hen has become broody and pulled out her chest and belly feathers to sit on eggs. If they won't roost, try a really short roost bar, and put them upon it for a few nights to get used to it. My silkies all roosted about 2-3 feet high because they were used to it, but they needed a lower bar to get up to it. If they won't roost, you will just have to make sure their litter is very soft and dry. Pine shavings stay pretty dry, compared to straw or hay. Also make sure there are no lice or mites irritating the skin.
Ok, that sounds just about right. The lady I got him from kept all her chickens in a very wet soupy coop, very dirty...rats and mice everywhere. He was covered in poo when I got him, and roosting on the rocks. Poor thing :( should I keep applying neosporin?
The Neosporin is fine unless it is causing him more dirt to cling. Iodine may help dry it up as well as kill germs, or a product called Vetericyn is good, also. If you could cage him inside the coop for a couple of days, you could put him on some towels or puppy pads to help him heal some, with the Neosporin on there.
I have been putting duramycin-10 in their water since all my chickens are having problems. I hope it works...hah That's what I get for rescuing them, but I feel good about giving them a great home and helping them live a happy, healthy life. :) thanks for the help!! :)

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