Infestation - mice / pack rats

Dang...I hope that my camera shows what is licking off the peanut butter tomorrow.
My bucket is in my temporary garage coop and I know there are plenty of mice in there but no squirrels so it's either a rat or a very clever mouse with long legs. :lau
Rv antifreeze.
because it is still freezing at night outside where the buckets are.
Not sure why my camera is not working. I did find a mouse in the bucket and the roller was licked clean so he got brave finally and lost his balance.
I'll have to bring the camera back into the house. It is not even picking me up (I wave my hands in front of it when I get done setting up the camera) so something is not right. I tested it in the house before taking it outside and it worked...maybe I'll leave it in the house on the floor for a day or two and see if it picks up the cat.
So evidently I have one bad battery out of 8 and I forgot to get batteries while at the store yesterday so no camera but.....
I have caught a mouse the last two days and this morning I had two in there...they seem to be able to lick off the peanut butter and then they fall in. So it's working at least. And my electronic mouse trap catches one a night, so I am making progress.

In my opinion, the mice were leery of it at first so that's why there was no activity in the beginning of setting it out.
Much thanks to @cmom for recommending this video camera. Very, very clear in complete darkness. Much better than any of the top rated game cameras. Posting the video on youtube causes it to be smaller though, not sure why.

I have one mouse left and he cleverly steals the peanut butter each night.
I had 28 different videos of him stealing it so chose one of the first ones so you can see. They really need to make a shorter ramp so he has to stretch more. It looks like he is taking off chunks so I will flatten it more.

Yes and I oiled the platforms with vegetable oil this time and he still ate the peanut butter without falling in. I was catching one a night but this last one is smarter. Plus the colder it is, the harder the peanut butter gets, it get crumbly and he doesn't have to lick it off, just grab it and back up, and last night it was below 32. I would try a different peanut butter but the stores shelves are empty.

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