Injured Duck Question

Unfortunately she doesn't seem to be doing so well. Her posture was unnatural this afternoon- like she was too upright, and she had less energy. I rinsed her eye again and isolated her from the other ducks- I got concerned maybe the drake was mating with her which could hurt her worse. I hope she makes it thru the night
Trudy is up and at em again today- her eye was foamy white so I gave her another saline rinse and it's clear again for now. I'm keeping her isolated from the others so she'll hopefully rest and not be mated on. as long as she keeps on trying I'll do everything I can for her- really hope we don't have to euthanize
Trudy is up and at em again today- her eye was foamy white so I gave her another saline rinse and it's clear again for now. I'm keeping her isolated from the others so she'll hopefully rest and not be mated on. as long as she keeps on trying I'll do everything I can for her- really hope we don't have to euthanize

Trudy is up and at em again today- her eye was foamy white so I gave her another saline rinse and it's clear again for now. I'm keeping her isolated from the others so she'll hopefully rest and not be mated on. as long as she keeps on trying I'll do everything I can for her- really hope we don't have to euthanize
I don't think that you will need to kill her. As long as you can protect her from too much or rough mating activity, and treat her symptoms, and maintain a way for her to rinse her head regularly - I would add apple cider vinegar to their water, a tablespoon per gallon.

Ducks are resilient, if we just give them help when they need it.
Trudy is still hanging in there. Isolation seems to be helping. I gave her eye another saline rinse and am just letting her rest. Thank you everyone for the advice and positive words- she's a tough old girl and hopefully will keep getting better. Also- we found where she was escaping from and plugged it up so she can't get out again.
Very sad to report that Trudy died today. She seemed pretty good this morning so it was a horrible surprise to find her this afternoon- she was a very sweet girl and I'm so sad- Rest in Peace Trudy

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