Injured Goose

Thats great news, just have to take it a day at a time, by now someone else would have probably put the poor fellow down.. It's good he has you.

Thanks Miss Lydia. I have to figure out why he's not able to control himself while on his feet. His balance is off and can't seem to walk. He runs then crashes. He keeps trying but eventually I have to put him back in the carrier so he won't hurt himself.

I'm still force feeding him but at least he drinks. I give him sugar water for now and will add scratch too so he can dabble after it. If I could just figure out how to get his balance back he could probably get his footing squared away. So weird.
Ah, poor thing! So nice of you to be caring for him. It may be that he sprained his legs, and that can take a long time to heal, like six to eight weeks. i have a goose with a sprained leg and it just won't heal because i can't keep her off of it. We've been to the vet twice now, and i think we need to go back and get a brace for that leg. My vet is experienced with waterfowl and says that ducks and geese don't do well with pain. She always prescribes metacam, which is easy to give to my ducks, not so much with my goose. She acts like i'm trying to kill her when i medicate her.

Have you tried giving him romaine lettuce or chopping up other greens? My geese love romaine, they're scared of other types of lettuce (they're a little weird). Anyhow, i'm no expert, but if he is drinking and you can get him to eat some, it's just a matter of giving him time to heal.

On the green poop, that is normal for a goose. If it's bright green or very liquidy with bright green bits, that can mean they aren't processing their food. i sure hope he makes it. Sounds like you are giving him the best chance possible.
Thanks for all the ideas but they aren't working. This is what I've noticed with the goose.

When on his feet is doing well standing. He isn't rocking anymore. He would do that to keep his balance. Now, when he does go foward it's like tipping the ball and off it goes.... lol. He walks (runs) on his toes, he doesn't use the back of his foot for stability. If he does lean back he will fall over backwards which is never good. I'm so afraid he is going to break a wing. He's not getting stuck on his back quite as much but it does still happen. The goose (gander) is still not eating so I'm force feeding him. I wish I had grass for him to eat but I don't.

He won't eat grapes unless I force them down his throat. Not an easy task and I do wear gloves now. No greens or fruits.... I've tried. Everything he sould like he won't eat. He will play in the water and drink which is good. He is aware and wants to be with the other birds and he seems to hope they come near him now rather then he go to the geese.

I went to a friends house Sat. and had to bring the goose with me. He can't be a lone for that long of a time. He did well there and they had some tall grass and weeds. I did see him eat some of the grass which I was thrilled of course. At least when he took off he would fall in grass and not the dirt that I have. Keeps him much cleaner!!!

I'm wondering if it's a brain injury since his eye still doesn't look right. I did notice they were getting to be a darker blue rather then the very pale color it's been. Kind of weird looking color. Here is a picture of his eye when I got him and it still looks the same. I noticed it doesn't stick out like the other eye. You know when you look straight on to a goose and there eyes kind of round out??? the right eye doesn't do that. I don't think I have a picture of that.

If he does have a brain injury any suggestions??

Well the signs to appear to tie in with some kind of neurological event - especially the balance and the drooping eyelid to one side. Maybe this bird has sustained a head injury or blow??? This may have resulted in a small bleed in the brain or clot very like a Stroke in humans. It may also account for the bleeding from the nostril.

Again my only advice is rest and warmth in the hope the signs slowly subside. However I would recommend a multi-vitamin in the water to cover potential deficientcies and I would try to gather some grass clipping daily. This may not have a postive outcome but for the moment I wanted to tell you that I think you're providing wonderful nursing care and giving this bird its best chance

Thank you Pete. I did try dandilions in his water which he did eat. I will have to find more. I watched him eat some gamebird food I left in his carrier. I didn't put the water in this time. I've tried collards, weeds that geese eat, cabbage, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, apples and none of that worked. I have put some in the water which he did mess with a little. Some things are getting better but others not so much. The walking deal has gotten a little better. You can see him thinking and trying to control himself which I think is a plus. He honks when here hears or sees the other geese but apparently they don't speak the same language. This goose has a different honk sound. Kind of neat how language works with birds. Who would have thunk it? He is the brother to my pair of Sebastapols...... lol.

I do have vitamins in the shake mix I've made for him. Yeah, he fights me big time on this now. You'd think he would be use to it. I don't feel antibiotics would really help him at this point but does anyone feel he may have an infection that I'm not seeing? I would keep him in the pool for exercise but he gets water logged. The goose would probably get too cold and would be hard for him to warm up. I did wash him Sat because he got filthy..... just not a good thing. Yep, used the hair drier on him. Yep, he liked it.
Thank you Pete. I did try dandilions in his water which he did eat. I will have to find more. I watched him eat some gamebird food I left in his carrier. I didn't put the water in this time. I've tried collards, weeds that geese eat, cabbage, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupe, apples and none of that worked. I have put some in the water which he did mess with a little. Some things are getting better but others not so much. The walking deal has gotten a little better. You can see him thinking and trying to control himself which I think is a plus. He honks when here hears or sees the other geese but apparently they don't speak the same language. This goose has a different honk sound. Kind of neat how language works with birds. Who would have thunk it? He is the brother to my pair of Sebastapols...... lol.

I do have vitamins in the shake mix I've made for him. Yeah, he fights me big time on this now. You'd think he would be use to it. I don't feel antibiotics would really help him at this point but does anyone feel he may have an infection that I'm not seeing? I would keep him in the pool for exercise but he gets water logged. The goose would probably get too cold and would be hard for him to warm up. I did wash him Sat because he got filthy..... just not a good thing. Yep, used the hair drier on him. Yep, he liked it.

Where he was living at before you brought him home with you, could he have gotten abused by a human? not your friend but someone else come on the property, and maybe this gander threatened them? it does sound neurological and how could it have happened? I am so glad to hear of some progress and that he did eat some gamebird feed. Even a small amount of improvement is better than none, just depends on how long you can keep this up. You have been great and that is why your seeing improvement. Bless you. Seems if he had infection he would be going down instead of up so I am thinking probably not infection.
CRJ, I can only say that if I were helpless and in need, *you* are the one I would want in charge of my care. I just discovered this thread and am deeply touched by your heart and wisdom in your choice of treatment of this lovely Sebie. I once had a hen (here I go again with the "chickens"
) Who somehow got her leg broken. I was young, a single mother in my 20's (way back in the times of living dinosaurs). I put her in a box to keep her off the leg and kept her well cared for. After weeks her leg healed and she survived. But her leg had healed in the wrong position (because of the box confinement and whenever she took a step her previously broken leg shot forward and upward. Broke my heart and I felt so stupid, but what else could I have done????

Eventually her leg healed and she walked totally normally. Subsequently, with another chicken with a broken leg (a good decade later....I didn't have a re-occurring broken leg problem with my chickens ), I just let him remain free and loose with the others, but gave extra attention and nutrients and warmth when and how I could. He healed far faster and with no complications. Lately, a friend of mine in Oregon had one of the wild deer she fed, a young buck, show up with a broken leg. How horrible! She had no way to reach or treat him on any level. Wonder of wonders he eventually healed completely and with barely even a limp! I am amazed at the self-regenerative powers we have within our own bodily constitutions.

Me, personally, I feel deeply that the touch of loving warmth and even the *intention* to heal and comfort hold extremely more power than we even imagine. And this beautiful creature now has the intention and well-wishes of all of us due to your investment in his healing. Bless you many times over, CRJ!
Also, crj, you could sprout seeds. The nutritional content of seeds increases enormously from the moment they swell from moisture until they produce the first two green leaves. At that point all the nutrients in the plant's/seed's system go into the production of leaf and stem growth. So, soaking seeds in water, increases their nutrient content daily. I feed soaked seeds regularly. Wheatgrass is enormously nutritious and would satisfy the urge you have to get 'greens' down him. You can buy raw, organic wheat berries at any local health food store. Soak them overnight in a gallon jar of water. Then rinse them in a strainer and keep them in the strainer, rinsing them at least twice a day. Once you feel some of them are ready to feed to him, you can either mash them with a matate, back of a spoon, or even a hammer, or you can (much easier) put them in a blender and osterize them to a liquid state so you can add them to the water he drinks.

Also, with all the amazingly intelligent and well-informed advice and suggestions you are getting in here, I am led to believe that the addition of *enzymes* to his diet would likely be quite beneficial. I have been doing extensive internet research on enzymes and they are having incredible healing results with all kind of afflictions, Autism being one of the most significant.

Sound to me like a possibility that your goose got kicked in the head by a cruel and uncaring member of the human species. That would, indeed, produce all the symptoms you are dealing with. Healing from such an injury does not take just weeks, or even months, but I have seen it take more than a year......even three and a half years for several severe injuries, my own ankle being one of those when I tripped on a stairway. I do not go to doctors so I have rather extensive experience in self-healling. No, it's not because of any religious or philosophical belief system. It is because I grew up in Scottsdale, Arizona, and all my Dad's friends were doctors who gathered in our home in the evenings, and I, as a child, was exposed to their conversations which introduced me to what was going on in their thoughts and minds. I was left with a definite lack of ability or desire to trust the medical profession. So I raised my own kids and backyard animals by doing what you are now with your cherished goose.

Thank you everyone you are all so kind. I actually had a chick that was about 2 weeks old and I knew it wouldn't make it. It ate and drank like the rest but it's body seemed to be paralyzed on the left side. Too much heat I think from the heat lamp after it hatched. I feel that this was my fault. Anyway, it was getting harder for me to care for this chick and the other chicks were now starting to pick on it. I could stand the chick up against a teddy bear but eventually it would end up laying down. Sat. I took it to my friend to put it down. I couldn't do it but it had to be done. I knew it wouldn't survive so I felt it was foolish to drag on the inevitable.

I have an area fenced off for my veggie garden. Comes in handy for a sick goose. I put the goose in there because I would have a hard time finding him when he took off running. You would never know where he would end up. Now I'm able to keep an eye on him. So, I decided to put the other geese in the garden with him. Kept him company and figured the goose could watch how the healthy geese walked, ate and drank. I know he watches them. The other geese are friendly to him as well. My male goose Fred actually checks up on him when he's outside and Daffy my African goose is curious and has to get close and check him out once in a while. I just watching the behaviors of other animals. So interesting to sit back and watch. You can learn an awful lot.

As for humans, no, I don't think so. Not many people walk past this house since it's on a dirt road a mile from the main road. Yes, people do drive by that live past them but I don't really think a person had done this. He was found in the pond and the water is at close to 6 feet below ground level. We get droubts here so I'm not very sure how deep the water actually is in the pond. The goose could have hit it's head on a rock or a tree root if rolling into the pond. could have gotten hit by a car possibly, you think? I'm not sure it would venture into the road since they live on 5 acres. The pond is close to the road though. Really hard to say.

I would like to try the seeds. What type of seeds are they and where can I get them? I'm having a tough time finding elderberries around here. Once store has them but the price per pound is over $36! Crazy dumb that is. It's one of those health food grocery stores that is a co-op. Way pricey.

I'll keep at it. You guys are very nice, thanks for the complements. I'm sure you would try and to the same thing. We have to come up with a name for this good. It would be easier to talk about him...... lol.
Thank you everyone you are all so kind. I actually had a chick that was about 2 weeks old and I knew it wouldn't make it. It ate and drank like the rest but it's body seemed to be paralyzed on the left side. Too much heat I think from the heat lamp after it hatched. I feel that this was my fault. Anyway, it was getting harder for me to care for this chick and the other chicks were now starting to pick on it. I could stand the chick up against a teddy bear but eventually it would end up laying down. Sat. I took it to my friend to put it down. I couldn't do it but it had to be done. I knew it wouldn't survive so I felt it was foolish to drag on the inevitable.

I have an area fenced off for my veggie garden. Comes in handy for a sick goose. I put the goose in there because I would have a hard time finding him when he took off running. You would never know where he would end up. Now I'm able to keep an eye on him. So, I decided to put the other geese in the garden with him. Kept him company and figured the goose could watch how the healthy geese walked, ate and drank. I know he watches them. The other geese are friendly to him as well. My male goose Fred actually checks up on him when he's outside and Daffy my African goose is curious and has to get close and check him out once in a while. I just watching the behaviors of other animals. So interesting to sit back and watch. You can learn an awful lot.

As for humans, no, I don't think so. Not many people walk past this house since it's on a dirt road a mile from the main road. Yes, people do drive by that live past them but I don't really think a person had done this. He was found in the pond and the water is at close to 6 feet below ground level. We get droubts here so I'm not very sure how deep the water actually is in the pond. The goose could have hit it's head on a rock or a tree root if rolling into the pond. could have gotten hit by a car possibly, you think? I'm not sure it would venture into the road since they live on 5 acres. The pond is close to the road though. Really hard to say.

I would like to try the seeds. What type of seeds are they and where can I get them? I'm having a tough time finding elderberries around here. Once store has them but the price per pound is over $36! Crazy dumb that is. It's one of those health food grocery stores that is a co-op. Way pricey.

I'll keep at it. You guys are very nice, thanks for the complements. I'm sure you would try and to the same thing. We have to come up with a name for this good. It would be easier to talk about him...... lol.

If not human then possibly a possible injury due to a car, just enough to cause bleeding and possibly some brain swelling/ who knows. But the important thing is he is making some progress which i know your pleased with, as are the rest of us that are following you and him through this. I just wish I was closer so i could help you care for him.. he sounds so sweet and for the rest of your geese to be taking an interest in him I'm sure that helps him alot to have them there. we have elderberry bushes all along the river below our home but way to early for berries. I had no idea they were so expensive. wow

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