
We bury the guts. Our dog eats the heads (all of it!), the liver, lungs, gizzard and heart. Buring stiff like dead animals and innards turns into wonderful compost--trust me on this, I am a WSU Master Gardener. I bury all my garbage too.
Ok not to hijack but you bury your garbage for compost???? i mean i use paper, cardboard etc etc.....but somethings dont seem like they should be buried?

oh also just the raw heads for the dogs?? no scalding or anything? my dogs will be all about it I am sure
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You can make compost by burying it. It takes a little longer and the temperatures don't get as high, but this method has been used for thousands of years. When she mentioned burying garbage I assumed she meant garbage as in food and kitchen wastes, vs general refuse and trash.
There is a magical process to convert chicken waste into pork, just dump it in here:

I dump the guts outside. Chickens pick thru them first, while the dogs watch. Once the chickens have had their fill, the dogs are allowed to finish the clean up.

Heads to right to the dogs after being chopped off the chicken.

Feet also are a dog treat here.

Yes, of course I meant food wastes, not pizza boxes, etc. My dog loves the feathered head, he eats it all, beak, eyes, brain--yuck! I was afraid to give my chickens the intestines, not sure its safe. I also bury chicken and turkey, bones and all. I had a little bichon frise a few years ago, weighed about 5 lbs, unearthed the turkey carcass and started running all over the yard with it--was 3 times his size. So funny! I have buried in my garden for years. I am an organic vegetable garden, my soil is a lush black humus. I even bury wastes next to plants that are growing. I highly recommend this. I don't have plant diseases and pest problems at all. It's all about the soil.

PS: Would you give your chickens the intestines? Just curious if anyone thinks it's safe. I don't think so but could be wrong.
I've heard some here say that they do. Our flock of 2500 would definitely make short work of it, but as we produce certified organic eggs, it is disallowed under the National Organic Plan. No avian or mammalian by-products are allowed to be fed to hens under organic management.
oh just food waste.....well i bury mine in the garden too......when you said garbage it just threw me off and being that I have seen people throw plastic chairs into burn piles I dont assume anything...........The bones are fabulous.....well bone meal......I also understand feathers are very high nitrogen....
Garbage is actually a term that refers to food and kitchen wastes, although many people use it interchangeably with the term trash.

I've had guests look at me funny when I tell them that any garbage goes in our compost pile, and that the trash and recyclable containers are in the garage.

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