International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I get it, i'm not sure of showing myself. I got big plans this year and I do plan on starting to work on a special side project this coming year that should keep me busy. Im going to try and start a lemon cuckoo line of marans, I've always like the lemon cuckoo pattern but can find them it in marans. Just something to play with.

Ah Lemon cuckoo marans?
marans chooks don t have a lemon genes .

have you heard about the buff {Red} Golden cuckoo marans.? gorgeous looking bird .only few peoples in france managed to breed them from crossing the buff marans with a golden cuckoo marans.

chooks man

@Magnolia Hill

the 2 Blue copper pullets have the solution for your rooster comb.
they comb is small .long , not arched and not well developed at the front .good sign.

select for the small combs and your trouble will be over in no time/

chooks man
If you look at the picture posted his wings are almost verticle. Always had that problem with him. Wings are supposed to be more horizontal. (Sorry...not much of an explainer :p ) oh and BTW I am a novice, too. This is my second year with Marans.
View attachment 1554202

this guy has too many major fault .

you are correct .the wings should be held close to the body horizontal to the ground

chooks man
Where o where are Chooks Man and Red Banks. We are trying to breed to SOP standards?? That means lots and lots of our own chics from our own stocks!! Seems like buying chics and cock birds from other breeders is going to set you back! Remember CHOOKS MAN saying you and Red Banks have all the genetics you need? The cockerel you got from (Harvey??) is great, but you have no idea what he will reproduce!!
With my birds I had to use a cock with a lot of copper on his chest to put copper hackle on the hens. Looks like two different groups, one for hens and one for show cocks. Not that I have any!
Remember this is going to take years and years! My hens are molting and I am getting zero eggs! I hate zero eggs! I cannot hatch without eggs!! TOM

I back my friend .

you ve done well by adding the hackle to your pullets by using a rooster with a lot copper on his chest .Bravo

chooks man
Im not sure which of the Marans threads I posted my cockerell in, but I think it might've been this one.
I posted about my cockerel (whose father is over colored and mother is under colored) who is almost completely black. His hackles are gorgeous, but he only has a tiny bit on his wings and saddle.
I can't find the picture of him younger so here he is now:
View attachment 1554016
(sorry for the back picture. He was excited and wouldnt stay still)
Cull or wait until he molts?

he is a cull for sure .
wrong body type .he has a triangle shape body not a proper rectangle shape .a break like shape .deep chest .long back
wrong body color .he is too black
clean shanks no good

chooks man
Ah Lemon cuckoo marans?
marans chooks don t have a lemon genes .

have you heard about the buff {Red} Golden cuckoo marans.? gorgeous looking bird .only few peoples in france managed to breed them from crossing the buff marans with a golden cuckoo marans.

chooks man
Yes, I've been doing some studying. Im probably going to take a double barred lemon cuckoo orpington rooster and put over a wheaten marans hen. And go from there.


Wow he is very nice .big long type .
I love every thing about him .he remind me of my Zambezi {Sold}
he ll throw some stunning progeny for sure .
he ll fix the high tail and short back problem you have with some of your marans .he is a great asset . keep him healthy and safe my friend tell he die by old age . he ll fathers countless generation .2 or 3 back crossing to him .

I don t need to comment on him .he is perfect . 98 point for sure

chooks man


from this photo his comb seem to have few little issues . close photo of his comb will be nice .

nice pairing .expect some great progeny will show up from them .
love the hen with a fat bottom . my mum used to say . those girls with a fat bottom are not shy when they go to they nesting boxes to lay a large number of extra large eggs .

expect .a good type .great layer and correct birds from this pairing ..

chooks man

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