International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

And #2. Higher tail and more inquisitive:)
Not really. No reputable breeders in my area. There’s a Facebook group and those that post have mediocre stock and I’ve see a few advertising cocks as pullets. Would be wiser if me to ask for eggs here. I do have 2 pullet from his same order that are likely good mates for him. 1 has next to no copper at all. I’ll try to get pucks of them.
Edit to add: but do I want to deal with that white? How will that pass on? I should have paid better attention to @kfelton0002 struggles

if you have a black pullet than it is good to mate him to her .select only the one without a parasitic white .
some time it is better to deal with a fault you have than getting somebody problems .

I think some one will help you in this thread to get some BCM fertile eggs .if you where in Oz I ll send you some .

post some pics of the 2 pullets please . love to see them.

chooks man
View attachment 1720411 View attachment 1720409 View attachment 1720402 View attachment 1720401 I think these 2 are better options if I use him. 3rd girl is nicely colored and lays beautiful speckled eggs. These pics are #1 who was a fave here as a chick

look good to me . her tail is a little larger , she ll good to mate him to him .he ll add body colour to they progeny . first check if you 2 pullets has no parasitic white .if they don t have you good to go .
any thing could be bred out as long as one breeder hasn t got the fault .

chooks man
look good to me . her tail is a little larger , she ll good to mate him to him .he ll add body colour to they progeny . first check if you 2 pullets has no parasitic white .if they don t have you good to go .
any thing could be bred out as long as one breeder hasn t got the fault .

chooks man
How do I check for parasitic white?
Hate to bug you all... but was guided to this thread to seek opinions on sexing 5-6wk old BCMs from all you experts!

I am unfamiliar with their development, as they are my first round. I’m thinking both cockerels, but again am uncertain (and really bad at being patient).

I’m sure you see this same inquiry a billion times every spring, so please skip/disregard if this was an inappropriate place to post.

Thank you! Looking forward to learning more about this breed, very beautiful.
Not really. No reputable breeders in my area. There’s a Facebook group and those that post have mediocre stock and I’ve see a few advertising cocks as pullets. Would be wiser if me to ask for eggs here. I do have 2 pullet from his same order that are likely good mates for him. 1 has next to no copper at all. I’ll try to get pucks of them.
Edit to add: but do I want to deal with that white? How will that pass on? I should have paid better attention to @kfelton0002 struggles

Once my girls start laying a little better than just 1-2 eggs a day I can send you some. You could just pay shipping. It just sucks setting shipped eggs because its always a gamble.
Hate to bug you all... but was guided to this thread to seek opinions on sexing 5-6wk old BCMs from all you experts!

I am unfamiliar with their development, as they are my first round. I’m thinking both cockerels, but again am uncertain (and really bad at being patient).

I’m sure you see this same inquiry a billion times every spring, so please skip/disregard if this was an inappropriate place to post.

Thank you! Looking forward to learning more about this breed, very beautiful.

Both look like pullets to me. At 5-6 weeks, my cockerels have bigger and redder combs.

Welcome to our group! Marans are a fun breed. :)
Not really. No reputable breeders in my area. There’s a Facebook group and those that post have mediocre stock and I’ve see a few advertising cocks as pullets. Would be wiser if me to ask for eggs here. I do have 2 pullet from his same order that are likely good mates for him. 1 has next to no copper at all. I’ll try to get pucks of them.
Edit to add: but do I want to deal with that white? How will that pass on? I should have paid better attention to @kfelton0002 struggles

He will pass on the white, if not outwardly he will pass it genetically.

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