Intestinal lining? (I hope!)

Sunset Ranch

5 Years
Jan 20, 2015
Glennville, CA
Good morning BYC peeps,

Found this in the coop this morning while cleaning out last nights droppings. I've never seen anything like it before. It was kind of rubbery and had some yolkish stuff inside, but no odor. Also nearby was a clear gelatinous blob. Anybody know what it is? Is there any reason for concern?


Ps, hope this doesn't post twice... It disappeared the first time I tried to submit.
In the third picture I see a tiny yolk, so I'm gonna guess that it came from her repro tract and not her intestines. Not sure how normal it is and/or what it means.

How old is your mama?

I have seen shell-less eggs before... This looks similar? I feel like her egg-maker is misfiring and trapping tissue. :/

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Sure hope it's nothing bad. I will be sure to keep an eye out for any further abnormal droppings.

I'm not sure who this came from but I don't think it was Mama. It wasn't under the part of the perch where she usually sleeps.

My gut instinct is that it came from one of my 2 eight mo old welsumners. One finally started laying last week, and I believe the other just started today. In the pic there are two eggs that look different enough to make me think that they didn't come from the same chicken (left one is the new layer). I have 9 hens and know who lays what, except for the welsumners... I haven't caught them coming off the nest yet, but I will eventually. So anyway, hopefully it was just a misfire from a newbie.
MrsBrooke, Mama is somewhere between 2-3 years old. I got her (and 3 others) from a neighbor who wanted to rehome all of her chickens. They were scraggly and had lice when I got them (found that out after the whole flock got them) and now they are all fat and shiny... And I couldn't be more proud. :D

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