Introducing single chicken to flock!

Okay, eeryone! I have good news! Today, I went to my coop and the silkie is walking around all perked up and trying to fly outside! :) She is still a little scared of the RIR's though. Thanks for all the information everyone has given me!!

FLASE ALARM! :( I went in the coop and feathers are missing from my silkie that was getting beat up, she hides under anything she can fit, and when I open the coop door she triees to fly out. (She doesnt fly!) And she wasnt eating or drinking. So I had to put her back into the loft coop part. And added fresh food, and water. As soon as I put her in there she was her happy self again, and went right after the food and water. She even started to scratch around. I just didnt have the heart to know she was scared to death with them. I also have a big heat lamp since she is by herself. So now I am in search of a friend for her. Hopefully soon I will find one! :) Thanks everyone for the help though! :)

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