Introducing the NEW Girls ...

How do you know this?

Cause he looks like my Roo:

I respectfully disagree. His new girl has no wattles or a dark comb like your roo boy. Also, notice how your roo is lighter in color and his girl is darker? I just looked at pictures of my BR roo (I had to give away) and he was younger in the picture and he had wattles and a darker comb.

Here is my little roo boy I had to give away. I think he was a month old in this picture:
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Here is Blondie!! She was freaked out tonight let me tell you. Climbing all aver me to get close she finally settled down in my lap for a nap.


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Awww....Blondie looks like a Daddy's Girl!! So sweet. I hope she is doing ok. Hey, a thought just popped into my head. Maybe it would be a good idea to give all the girls a little bit of vitamins in their water to help with the stress? Just a though.
much love for the BOs. mine is a lap chicken too! here's wishing the new girls the best of health!
Felt bad for you today Steve... I hope you love your new girls, and I'm sure they'll be jumping on your lap soon!
Hi Steve, I just read about your loss, and I want to say how very sorry I am.
When I first got chickens 11 years ago, I too forgot to lock my girls up for one night. I lost 3 of my girls to a skunk that night. It seemed like everytime I forgot to shut and lock the door, some nasty predator was waiting to get in. I lost more birds later to a possum.
I now have my place locked up like a high security prison. I've been lucky the last two years, I've only lost 2 porcelain d'uccles hens, to a hawk. Two weeks ago my own dog, got loose and killed one of my original flock from 11 years ago.
We love our chickens, and I know you love yours too. Don't let the bad times get you down, and don't be too hard on yourself. It is easy to forget to shut the doors sometimes. If you lived near NC, I'd give your some birds to help replace your lost babies.
Thanks for sharing your story with us. It reminds us all to be vigilant about keeping the coops locked up at night.
Hugs! and God Bless you and your beautiful birds.
I like to think that in all bad things there is some tiny bit of good if you look hard enough! It is easy to see the good here with your precious Blonde giving and getting love

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