Is anyone else interested in cars and motorsport?

10 days to go till our first event!
Its the Mini Eden rally, 120km competitive, consisting of two stages run three times.
Its a blind rally, so no pacenotes, just a road book supplied by the organizers. (so it says things like, road goes left...turn right at T etc., but doesn't give any details)
If anyone is interested, you will be able to see the stage times and results live here
And the facebook page
Excuse the mess. Somehow these photos came our rather blue, and I don't have any way of changing it, but just so you know it isn't really this blue.
These photos were from a few days ago, its ready to go now, and under a car cover, so it wasn't the most handy to take new ones.
My 'office'; you can see the foot plate, with a foot switch for the tripmeter, which is on the front top of the photo.
Also a map light for night stages, and a CB radio. I now have a horn switch on the foot plate as well

I thought you might like the sticker we've got on the back window, and you also get nice view of the roll cage.
Well... it didn't go quite as planned!
11km into the first 30km stage, we came to hot into a tightening right hand corner, and just ran out of grip. (tyers all largely to blame)
Took a dive off a bank, and very luckily missed the big trees, just hitting a small one, that bent the control arm. (I think that what it was, but I'm not the mechanic)
We were well and truly stuck, but after the recovery vehicle pulled us out, we were able to limp out of the stage and back to the service park.
We were able to rejoin, but because we missed one stage, we are classified as dnf (did not finish) so didn't get counted in the results.
But we still had a lot of fun, and we have only got a week till the next rally!

Oh, and it was hot. So hot in the car, that a 30C (86F) day felt like a fridge when you got out.

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