Is anyone hatching on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day???

IM with you buster ! What are you hatching !!!
I have a bunch of buff orps in there, plus some eggs from my Orp projects. I also set a bunch of buff orp crosses for two reasons- 1) I wanted as many eggs as I could in there because I'm testing out a new incubator and 2) I need some birds to sell to people who happen by my house wanting to buy. I sold about 15 birds this year to people who stopped while driving by because they saw the flock free ranging and wanted to buy some. I am out of birds I want to sell, so if I can get some crosses that lay well, I won't feel bad at all selling them over my breeders.

I set 23 eggs total.

I just hatched 30 quail.

I have eggs coming for me from MissPrissy this week and eggs I will be incubating for Bammony coming from BamaChicken this week. That's a lot of eggs.
At least the kids will be home for the hatch!!! They must be excited, this is your first hatch, right!! YAY!! Repeat after me...I will NOT become addicted!!! LOL!!!
I have silver laced wyandottes and silkies due on the 27th!! I'm not sure about the SLW's becuase they were shipped and I think they may have froze. I couldn't see an aircell when I candled, but they were kind of dark and speckly.
I will candle this Friday to see if they are developing. The silkies I picked up myself, though, so I know they are good.

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