is cocci weather related and other questions.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
We lost one of our 24 week old Golden Laced Wyandottes Wednesday and am trying to figure out how this happened. They have been very healthy. I was watching for cocci with the little Cornish Rock we got about 4 weeks ago that I have in a separate area of our property. My DH didn't want to use medicated feed with them being we are going to eat them. We used very limited medicated feed with the big girls when we got them last February. I am not certain if the problem stemmed from the new chick and got passed to the big girls (we needed to be more careful with shoes going into both areas I think).

The meaties seem ok but as I mentioned we lost one of the big girls, have one confined and am looking for a couple others in the flock who seem to have the bloody poops... started on amprolium 9.6% as I couldn't get Sulmet. I had treatments that stated using amrolium or Sulmet in the same process with a wet mash as well as in the water. I did the wet mash and added some yogurt. This treatment seemed to really help the one yesterday that was so lethargic. We got about 2 tsp of treated water in her & 1 tsp of treated feed. Hope she can make it - the poop was better this morning tho so I just keep her clean and on clean bedding. Do you know how stable the medication is? If I did water treatment last night and it is cool, can it set out over night to mid day and still be effective? also how long do we avoid using the eggs? Never did this before any insight are much appreciated!
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You never mentioned what your weather has been like.

Weather can certainly be a cause of Cocci, I know wet, warm weather can make an outbreak far worse. I have very dry hot weather here but this year our spring was very wet and warm, so we had an outbreak ourselves. I buy a product called Miracle Cocci-cure from Foys pigeon supply online. I think it works great. I usually treat the water and leave it for about a day or so before I change it. I would have to look, but the treatment is for either 3 or 5 days, I do not recall which.
I also buy Foys All-In-One which is a wormer, cocci treatment and antibiotic all in one. Kind of a cure all if your not sure. But, if its respiratory, I go with straight Tylan.
Thanks for the information. Our weather had been mostly nice this summer, not too hot but then we had a hot and humid stint about a week and a half ago. This last week, we had cool weather but torrential rains. It is now dry and in the mid 70's at night it has been cool, down in the 50's. I will see about the Miracle Cocci-Cure. We have Tractor Supply and Fleet Farm close by. I started them on the amprolium, so far the worst of the girls, we have given 2 tsp of the medicated water by dropper, she really hasn't eated. I think I will have to dropper some of the mash into her tonight. I just don't like doing the force feeding thing - but it's the only way to get the treated mash into her.
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Corid is real good too. Here in Fl we have lots of problems with Coccidia. With Corid I even put a few drops in their mouth, to make sure they are getting some. I believe treatment is 4-7 days. Best Wishes
thanks chickenzoo - is the Corid the 9.6%? Also, do you know how long to you have to wait to use the eggs again? We have been cleaning equipment with bleach and the coop with PineSol. Today I read that neither of those work with Cocci. Ammonia is the only thing that kills the cocci. I used a 1% solution and saturated the coop. It is sunny and breezy so things dried pretty fast. I didn't rinse - haven't found if that is what to do afterwards. Do you have a cleaning routine that seems to work well for staving off the cocci?
I will check out the oxine. We haven't put in any bedding yet - just using news paper and butcher paper so I can see if the numbers of bloody/loose piles are increasing. Then I can wash down my coop as i put vinyl flooring down and I covered up the roost box that collects poo & put more paper over that. This is stressful! What then do I do about my yard???? I have been picking up poo (and I said I didn't want a dog because I don't like picking up poo!!)

My sick hen we confined seems to be doing better no bloody piles, loose still but I don't think she has really eaten the mash with meds we have made for her. II have just been doing the dropper with medicated water and a little feed. Today she pecked at some cracked corn my DH held out to her. Anyone know how long it takes for them to get back to "normal"? Thanks for your insights!
Recovery depends on how much damage was done to the intestinal lining. Severe cases can take a couple weeks for full turnaround. Complete the meds and things should start looking up soon.
do I keep her confined that whole time. I put a zip tie on her foot so I know which one it is (I have 24 that can start to look all the same). I was thinking that when I start to see "normal" formed poops again, then perhaps she can go back.

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