Is it really a NY state law???


12 Years
Jul 1, 2007
Western, NY
So I go to pick up some chicks at the local feed store today. No I didn't order any but they always order extra and planned on getting just a couple. Well, they were a bit abrasive and told me that NY state law requires that I HAVE to get a minimum of 6 chicks? Is this accurate? Any other state like that?
that sounds totally crazy to me
I have no clue. So I now have 6 more chicks in the old brooder in the basement. They also wouldn't let me go and pick the chicks out. I only wanted RIR's ( I knew they had Golden Comets too ) and so sure enough I got Comets mixed in with the RIR's. So I'm hoping to find them some homes. I'm sure they are nice, but I prefer the dual purpose kind.

How stupid a law is that?
It's true. I'm going to guess it's an anti "get-some-cute-chicks-at-Easter" repellent. If you buy six, you're likely not just buying a decoration. I did buy 6 from the local farm supply and the next week when she got some different varieties in, she let me buy only two (if I promised not to tell anyone on the BYC -- doh!).

I love everything about New York State -- except the government. Highest taxes in the nation and the least freedom. It's no wonder everyone is moving to North Carolina. Everytime they raise the school tax and say, "It's for the children," I say, "No it's not -- it's for North Carolina. We spend all this money to educate our kids and they can't afford to live here because the dingdang taxes are so high that they have to move to North Carolina."

But I digress.

New York State knows best and they know we cannot be trusted with our own decisions about chickens.
I live in NY, and there is no such law! Sounds like they were suckering you in! LOL!!

Critter Crazy, there is such a law. Go into any feed store, or look it up.

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