Is mama going to reject them? (Video)


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Northwest New Jersey
Peaches sat on a clutch for 24 days with no signs of hatching. Last night I took them away, replaced them with 2 fake eggs, and drove like Speed Racer to my favorite breeder for 4 chicks she had hatched that morning. The breeder is sneaky and popped 6! chicks into the box. 😃 We put them under her and Peaches settled on them instantly! This morning I watched (and videoed) as two ventured out from under her. I saw some mild pecking at the babies. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? I wonder if she’ll be overwhelmed by 6. 🤔😰
I think she just looks very slightly confused, but not aggressive in any way.
Maybe try sprinkling a bit of food around her, so she has something else to peck at and show to her babies.
I don't think the number would be a problem, 6 isn't really that many chicks.
I would just keep a bit of an eye on her, but don't disturb her to much.
I should add that she is only 8 months old (oops, that was when she first started brooding, she JUST turned 9 months). She has been the most dedicated and feisty broody I have ever seen! It broke my heart to remove those dud eggs.

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