Is my goat pregnant?

How much did the vet say the blood test was? I thought it would cost $20 a head but was surprised to find it was only $5 a head. Blood test are the fastest and most accurate of all the way to test.

I agree if she is pregnant its still pretty early. You won't be getting babies for at least 3 months! When was the last time she kid? I've had Nubian does go into heat in June so there is the possibility she was bred right before you got her, which could explain the discharge you were seeing. Post breeding discharge can appear up to 2 weeks after breeding.
Give her until July 12th and get a blood test done. If its cheap enough get one done now and one done on the 12th. This will help you figure out when she was bred. The discharge I was seeing looked like post breeding discharge.
How much did the vet say the blood test was? I thought it would cost $20 a head but was surprised to find it was only $5 a head. Blood test are the fastest and most accurate of all the way to test.

I agree if she is pregnant its still pretty early. You won't be getting babies for at least 3 months! When was the last time she kid? I've had Nubian does go into heat in June so there is the possibility she was bred right before you got her, which could explain the discharge you were seeing. Post breeding discharge can appear up to 2 weeks after breeding.
Give her until July 12th and get a blood test done. If its cheap enough get one done now and one done on the 12th. This will help you figure out when she was bred. The discharge I was seeing looked like post breeding discharge.
I have one of her triplets. He is just over a year old. I didn't buy him from her, I got him from someone that bought him as a bottle baby and didn't want him after he got older. Blood test at my vet is $45. I'm not sure about taking blood from her neck myself so I would probably have to have someone show me how to do that correctly.
Quick update. I'm pretty sure she is in heat. I will be putting her with a buck tomorrow to be sure, but the little buckling that is in with her is trying to breed her and she is just standing there with her tail up and flagging.

I will be making a call to the lady I got her from if she is in heat.
Ok just like that, no way she is pregnant. I put her in with a buck and she is in standing heat. I didn't let her breed I had a Buck apron on him. I took her back to her pen and removed the buckling.

I spoke with the seller and she is giving me my money back and letting me keep the goat. Now the question is why would she let me keep her for free 🤔 I asked her and she just said she doesn't need her. Well I may try to breed her, I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with her. 😣😕

Do y'all think I should try to breed her?
Ok just like that, no way she is pregnant. I put her in with a buck and she is in standing heat. I didn't let her breed I had a Buck apron on him. I took her back to her pen and removed the buckling.

I spoke with the seller and she is giving me my money back and letting me keep the goat. Now the question is why would she let me keep her for free 🤔 I asked her and she just said she doesn't need her. Well I may try to breed her, I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with her. 😣😕

Do y'all think I should try to breed her?

Since you've got both the money and the goat, I would either breed the goat or butcher the goat.

If you breed the goat, but she comes back into heat afterward, I would assume something is wrong with her and either see a vet or butcher her.

(Yes, butchering is my solution to many animal problems. If it is not right for you, then please ignore that part of my suggestions.)

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