Is there something wrong with this chick? vid clip"UPDATE WITH VID #38

Glad to hear that the chick is doing better. For the sugar water I really don't have a formula, I just add a pinch to the water that I am hand feeding to the chick. It really just gives them a burst of energy to get them going if they look like they are starting to fade and haven't found the food and water yet.

The chick appears stronger in the new photos, it might be time to try the booties for its feet. The link to straddle should show it, if not I will find one for you. When its feet are straightened out, you will probably need to put a hobble between its legs too, this will help it be able to stand and get up off it's hocks. Be warned through, the chick is probably going to tumble several times before it figures out how to walk with the boots and hobble and they can look pretty pathetic while they are doing it. If you have a feed store near you, I have found that vet wrap works well to make the hobble and the booties. WalMart also has parrot vitamins that I have used when I don't have the others on hand.

MissPrissy has a good photo of the booties in this thread.

know your chick's legs are not out to the side like this, but it shows a good picture of the hobble inbetween the legs that you might need if the booties alone do not do the trick.
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I got up to a great sight this morning. Well, its almost noon but still a great sight. Nugget is standing on it
s own. Still wobbly but can stand. I'm sure you all are as excited as I am. Nugget can even take a few steps. I held it last night so it could stand. Mostly propped it with my thumb but gave it support to try to strengthen it's legs. Apparantly the therapy worked. I still haven't seen it drink from the waterer. I gave more water with the eye dropper and it was ready to go to sleep after that. Of course, I took a picture.

I'm really thinking that it was the blood loss that caused this. If I had contacted you all a day sooner for help I would have started helping it sooner. I left it in the bator where it was warmer to rest and bild back up blood. I didn't think to use an eye dropper to get it to drink. Thank you all so much. I will still get the vitamins, i'm sure it needs them badly.
How great is that to see today!!!! Nice job there, Chicken Nurse!

I just followed ya'alls instructions. Well, except for the theraby. DH is putting in a new front door. Yeah, I know 60 degrees outside and he's doing it now. Anyway the noise from the saws scared the chicks at first and Nugget was actually making several steps before it fell down. Now it's asleep in the food dish. lol Little lazy butt.
I just saw this thread and read it through. Whew, can't say how sad the video made me, sniff, sniff. Now Nugget is better I am so relieved--I know you are too! Good job!
Nugget stays near the food. So near that she sleeps IN the dish. She can get out and is standing most of the tme when she is awake. I still haven't senn her drink form the waterer. But I have been busy cleaning the incubator and 100 gal aquarium. I plan to transfer the 3 week olds to that and hopefully they will get their feathers enough to be able to go out in the coop in a pen. It is getting too cold at night right now for that and DH hasn't had the chance to get electricity out there so we can turn on a heat lamp. I clean brooders everyday to keep down the smell. Right now I have 6 EE 3 week olds in a large clear plastic tub and then the 3 new babies. I have many eggs in the incubator that i'm not sure will even hatch but after those 3 hatching it stunk. I had to do a quick clean up. It is very hard keeping the odor down whith chickens in the house. Oh, and DH still has to put together another cage to put the 6 in too. We have already used up what we have already. There are 3 roos that I can't let roan because somebody will get killed from fighting. They have their own pens but they aren't winterproof yet. Well, I was just taking a break. Gotta get back to the cleaning. I still have to visit the chickens outside. The room mate tended to them this morning.
GOOD NEWS! Nugget is drinking out of the waterer and eating on her own. She walks but is still wobbly. I am so happy she is going to be fine. I'm am sure it was the blood loss that made her the way she was but she is going to be fine. I bet in a few days she will be playing with the other 2. I'll make sure to do another video clip so we can celebrate together.

Thank you all for all your advice and encouragement. Here is a great big Hug for you.




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