Is there such a thing as Brown Sex Link? (using Barring gene)

I figured I had a 50% change of getting it wrong anyway :lau

I had spotted that one had a whiter earlobe, and the other didn't have any obvious color on the earlobe, but then I went back and looked at the photos of the mothers--white on both of them. So I decided to ignore the earlobes. Apparently not the right decision in this case :gig

Both pullets are really pretty!
It was a good guess! They're all so similar, which is what I was worried about in trying to keep track of who their parents were. I have to admit, I'm obsessed with earlobes now. I realize I may be giving them too much emphasis in trying to predict egg color, but look what I found this morning...

One of my OE progeny has white earlobes! I have always heard that, once you get a little brown in the genes, you will only ever get green eggs. So, it will be interesting to see what she lays.

Here are the other 2 OE-Spitz pullets
(the one from yesterday's photo)

The 3rd one

And here are the 2 Cream Legbar-Spitz girls
blue.JPG Littleblack.JPG
One of my OE progeny has white earlobes! I have always heard that, once you get a little brown in the genes, you will only ever get green eggs. So, it will be interesting to see what she lays.
I have read that there is no genetic link between earlobe color and egg color--it's just that chickens in certain areas tended to have one earlobe color and one egg color.

I'll be curious what color eggs all of them lay--pretty eggs are always good!

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