Is this a hen or a roo?

Um, not unless you’re a trained expert; and even then it’s not 100% and needs to be done in the first few days of hatch… but to mention it’s incredibly risky even for a professional.

Agreed... that's why I was asking the person who said that. I'm not sure what they're wanting to accomplish by looking at the vent at this age.
Hi everyone! I’m a relatively new chicken dude who has had a terrible “rooster rate” (67%!) from a local farm store here in Sonoma County. As you guys know, roosters are tough to find homes for. Anyway, after a few weeks, we began to notice two of the three chicks we bought began exhibiting male behaviors and subsequently thought, “oh no...”. Both are Ameraucanas (or so we were told). We found a home for “Elmo” (formerly Florence Jean Castleberry) and began looking for a home for “Rocco” (formerly Ellie Mae). The only thing is... “Rocco” isn’t acting like a boy anymore now that Elmo is gone. Is “Rocco” a cockerel or pullet???
Rocco is a Rockette!!! PULLET!!!

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