Is this a hen or rooster? Do you think it is a Dominique?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 23, 2014

This chick is still in the awkward teen stage. Not sure exactly how old it is, my neighbor gave it to us. His son's school sent each kindergartner home with a single baby chick when they were a few days old. Therefore this chicken is very into people, but doesn't care for my other 10 chickens much... LOL! Hopefully he/ she will get better with age. Its name is bob, but my husband is hoping this is a betty... What do you think? Just looking at the coloring it looks like a barred rock or Dominique... HELP!
Looks more like a Cuckoo pattern, not barred. Could be a Cuckoo Marans or may just be a mixed breed that has the barring gene.
I'm going with bsl or otherwise mixed breed cockerel with one barred Rock parent. The dark coloring shows mixed heritage cause that comb at this age screams cockerel.
Looks more like a Cuckoo pattern, not barred. Could be a Cuckoo Marans or may just be a mixed breed that has the barring gene.

Part of the answer to this bird's identity depends on the bird's leg color. If the legs are yellow, we're looking at Barred Rock ancestry, if they are white, Cuckoo Marans ancestry. Danawhatley90, maybe you could take a pic that will enable us to see your birds legs.
This is a picture from yesterday! I believe he is a rooster! Don't you agree! Btw, his legs are mostly yellow with a few darker spots on them...

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