Is this a Prolapse?

I am concerned that if I use force on extracting the thing I will tear something inside of her. I am wondering if she is feeling so poorly because of infection at this point but not sure how to address that, especially as she is not drinking.
Today being Monday.. is veterinary care an option?

If not drops of liquid just below the nostrils will be swallowed as they roll around into the beak. If you are able to be more assertive than that or feel the tubing fluids is a better choice than the alternatives, maybe this link will helpful and even reminds me of one of our experienced posters who may be able offer suggestions, @casportpony, TIA!..

(6) Step-by-Step Tube Feeding Guide

One final thought.. pain relief.. I never administer relief without identifying cause and knowing that pain sometimes limits movement to prevent further injury.. also aspirin can be a blood thinner and should not be used LONG term.. ALWAYS use YOUR best judgement..

Avian pain relief

The follicle theory from wyorprock is essentially what I was describing as a possibly a shell less egg or softee. Also just a theory.

The tissue becoming black is concerning that it may be becoming necrotic.. I would offer extreme possible life saving measures IF veterinary help is not an option and euthanasia SEEMS like a more traumatic option than a possible gory procedure that still may result in death. At this point though she likely NEEDS medical attention.. since it isn't improving.
My apologies for the lapse in updating. It's gone, she's doing well, but she's not yet starting up laying again which is the big question, I think. I very much hope that this is a one-off but will feel very lucky indeed if that is so.

So, the thing appears to have been some kind of shrivelled , desiccated egg, in that the tiny center had a yolk appearance but the outside quickly turned from a softened black ball to a scabrous one over 48 hours, that just fell apart upon attempted surface removal. (Somewhat reminescent of an external tumor a previous bird had but hopefully not related. Obviously there was no yolk, in that case.)

The whole thing was attached to her by what appears to have been a string of tissue, not eggshell, and the tugging on that is what was causing her such distress. I expect it was also partially blocking the works upstream because a couple hours after it was trimmed and (unfortunately) partially receded into her body, she started a series of normal green but awfully stinky poops. Think broody level of odor but normally sized. There were also some normal looking cecal poops.

(Somewhere in there a migraine started in and hasn't let up so while I am very happy I am also not super coordinated. Please forgive if this is not well-edited.)

Everything is cleaned, looks her normal pink, smells OK, and the swelling has gone down. I haven't given her any further soaks because she hates them and she seems to be handling the area herself at this point.

She recovered her ability to sit and stand almost immediately, her balance followed on over the next 12 hours, and she was preening even before that. I mixed Cal-D-Solve into a moist mash of her food with water and visible yoghurt as a lure but it took what seemed like ages and bits of scrambled egg mixed in before she'd try it. Finally, she leaped off the cage and went exploring (whew!) and when I put her back in the bathroom in order to get some chores done she started yelling. Never have the demanding shrieks of an OEGB sounded more melodious! She'd been silent for three days, only starting peeping a little bit, rather like a chick, after being rid of the thing, which was cute but just not right from the hen that I'm used to having to apologize to the neighbors for! ("She's fine, she just had to scream because she wanted me to come outside so she could fly to my shoulder so I could carry her to her easily accessible nest box, you see... Perfectly logical hen behavior.")

Thank you so much @EggSighted4Life , @Eggcessive , @Wyorp Rock . Your tips and knowledge have been invaluable.
I'm glad you were able to help her get rid of whatever that was and hope she makes a full recovery and no problems forward.

Sorry to hear about the migraine, they are just terrible! I used to have them years ago, but as I've gotten older and hormones (for me) "changed" the migraines left me too. I hope yours resolves quickly.:hugs

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