Is this a worm?

Aug 1, 2020
I’m not sure which chicken this came from. We have 3 hens (3 years old) and 3 pullets (16ish weeks?) all seem to be fine. However I saw this dropping on the deck this morning and it caught me off guard. Is the red thing in it a worm? Or is it intestinal shedding? Or? I did move it with a stick which is why it’s more in a straight line. There’s also something smaller on the left side of the pic. We’re in Arkansas so it has definitely been hot. We have 2.3 acres that they have access to during the day. Should I be concerned?


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To me it looks like an earthworm just happened to be where the chicken decided to poop. Most worms that would be visible in droppings are usually beige or off white colored.
Definitely not an earthworm either.

I’m going to guess it’s just intestinal stuff then. Seemed like blood (but encased?)

ETA: google lens said parasite when I tried that first (but google lens is frequently wrong)
It looks like an earthworm to me too.

I've had chickens shed worms after being medicated to expel them. They've been white and thin, like glass noodles.
I think most internal parasites are pale in color (white, cream, or beige). I would keep an eye on the chickens for anything else weird or any signs of illness, and go from there if anything does pop up, but my guess is most likely that it is just an unusual dropping.

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