Is this chicken area big enough?

In contrast this is what the coop and run only type keeping arrangement ends up like.
The run is 6metres by 6 metres.
See if you can get measurements, because it's hard to tell with the way the photo is angled just how much space there actually is. Run is probably "big enough" for the birds you have, but integration always favors additional space, which you may or may not have enough of.

The coop is likely too small (though again we'd need measurements), not just in overall floor space, but ventilation (and possibly roost space) can be an issue as well if you add more birds.
See if you can get measurements, because it's hard to tell with the way the photo is angled just how much space there actually is. Run is probably "big enough" for the birds you have, but integration always favors additional space, which you may or may not have enough of.

The coop is likely too small (though again we'd need measurements), not just in overall floor space, but ventilation (and possibly roost space) can be an issue as well if you add more birds.
Just measured and the run is 5m x 6m


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For the coop size:

Yes, it is big enough for the chickens to lay eggs inside.

For sleeping at night, measure the roost length. Plan on at least 1 foot (30 cm) per standard-sized chicken, and at least half that much per bantam. Yes, they often squish together to sleep in less space than that, but they need enough space to get up on the roost and scuffle for position before they sleep.

If the chickens can be outside all day, every day of the year, in all kinds of weather, then the coop only needs to be big enough for nests and sleeping.

But if the chickens are locked in the coop all night until you let them out in the morning, or if they have to stay in the coop because of bad weather (rain, snow, etc), or if they must be locked in to stay safe from predators, then it needs to have enough floor space inside.

The common recommendation is 4 square feet per chicken inside the coop. That's .37 square meters (about 3 chickens per square meter.) Bantams can often manage with half as much space each.

Whether the coop is big enough will depend on your climate. For most climates, I think it is NOT big enough for more chickens, or even for the current chickens. But I don't know where you live-- you might be in one of the places where the chickens never have to stay inside the coop.

If you cannot make the coop bigger, you may be able to improve the run to provide the same things: roofed area for shelter on rainy days, secure against predators so the chickens do not need to be locked in the coop for safety, and so forth.
ust measured and the run is 5m x 6m
Great, not the coop, do not include the nests on your measurements.
Pics of the inside of coop would help too.

Are you in the UK, or......?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
The Usual Guidelines

For each adult, standard-sized hen you need:

  • 4 square feet in the coop (.37 square meters)
  • 10 square feet in the run (.93 square meters),
  • 1 linear foot of roost (.3 meters),
  • 1/4 of a nest box,
  • And 1 square foot (.09 square meters) of permanent, 24/7/365 ventilation, preferably located over the birds' heads when they're sitting on the roost.

Sorry, I don't have these numbers converted to metric yet:

6 hens
  • 24 square feet in the coop. 4'x6' is the only really practical build for this given the common dimensions of lumber. If you can't walk into it, put the access door in the middle of the long side to make sure you can reach all areas of the coop because a stubborn chicken WILL press itself into/lay an egg in the back corner where you can't reach.
  • 6 feet of roost
  • 60 square feet in the run. 6'x10' or 8'x8'.
  • 6 square feet of ventilation.
  • 2 nest boxes, to give the hens a choice
8 hens
  • 32 square feet in the coop. 4'x8' is approaching the limits for a non-walk-in coop even with the access door in the middle. 6'x6' should be walk-in because even the tallest chicken-keeper won't be able to reach the far wall.
  • 8 feet of roost
  • 80 square feet in the run. 8'x10' is a nice looking number but, remembering the common dimensions of lumber, a roomier 8'x12' is actually easier to build. 6'x14' looks good on paper but would require a lot of weird cuts.
  • 8 square feet of ventilation.
  • 2-3 nest boxes.

Things that require more than the minimum space:

Integration/Flock Replacement
Severe Climate -- where weather conditions keep the chickens confined in a coop/covered run for extended periods
The desire to keep a green pasture rather than a litter-covered run
Broody hens
Breed characteristics -- if you look at the hatchery catalogs you'll see some breeds labeled as "bears confinement" and others labeled as "good foragers". The latter need more room. Size *might* matter -- some large breeds are placid, some small breeds are active and territorial -- but they do have to physically fit on the roosts.
i have 7 chickens, 1 is a cockerel, 4 are fully grown hens, and 2 are still very small.
Ive attached some photos below. In the space I have for chickens I don’t have room for anything bigger than a prefab coop really,but they seem happy with it

Is this big enough for them? I don’t have measurements or anything just photos.

If so, I was planning on getting some bantams to add to the flock. (I will be getting rid of my rooster soon as he’s being aggressive so that would free some room)

What do you think?
Shoot fire, chicken farmer! I could live there, lol! Happy chickens. They seem a bit open to predators though.
i have 7 chickens, 1 is a cockerel, 4 are fully grown hens, and 2 are still very small.
Ive attached some photos below. In the space I have for chickens I don’t have room for anything bigger than a prefab coop really,but they seem happy with it

Is this big enough for them? I don’t have measurements or anything just photos.

If so, I was planning on getting some bantams to add to the flock. (I will be getting rid of my rooster soon as he’s being aggressive so that would free some room)

What do you think?
Shoot fire, girl! I could live here! Happy chickens! But it does seem very open to predators.

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