Is this normal coloring for BO's or does this mean they may be x's?


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
I have 11 BO's. 5 hens and 6 roosters that are now just about right at 17 weeks. I have noticed that ALL but one rooster are now sporting tail feathers that are speckled black and one hen even has a wing feather with this black speckling. This is not dirt is is actual coloring of the feather. Does this mean that they are cross breeds or is this a normal color variation in Buff Orpingtons? These pics are from a hen. I am also noticing some pretty significant differences in body size/type for one hen.


LOL, I just realized you can see my footwear, sneakers with a dress. I couldn't find my yard shoes. remind me to talk to the dog, I'm bettin he knows where they are!
It's normal for poor quality/hatchery/pet type ones, yes. It's perfectly fine as long as you just want a laying pet. It may disappear too.
Thanks for responding!
I found a breeder in the IE somewhere that has better quality BO's. I think next spring I am going to get some lavender or blues. If I can sneak them past the big guy. HMMMM.... I wonder if he will notice the color difference? LOL
i'v seen a whole lot of hatchery BO's at my work... this is not normal if you ask me.... IMO hes got something else in him somewhere down the road hes crossed.
That's a picture of one of my hens. I have one rooster that is a perfect unblemished buff color. Everyone else is staring to show these speckled feathers. I bought thru the feed store. And yet again, I feel if my receipt says " 10 Buff Orpington Hens, 1 Buff Orpington rooster" Well call me freakin crazy but that's what I should have got. Not x's don't care how far back in the wood pile it is. I wasn't expecting show quality but maybe at least meet the breed standards. Nowhere is speckling mentioned in the breed standard on BO's that I can find. Also got a hen that is very petite compared to the others. Guessing some more x'ing going on there. Oh well, will buy from someone reputable next year and continue to spoil these guys rotten.

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