is this SLW a roo?


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
it's about 9 weeks old now.


I would actually have to say no, this is a pullet. I raised these for about a sraight year nad many of the pullets had prominent wattles at that stage also. This is just my personal opinion.
I hope it is a pullet, as teh wattles on the BLR's are same size and they look very female to me.

I am hoping it's a female, as I am tapping out for roosters, I have 3, and they are too noisy, no more.
Are the feathers at the base of the tail rounded or more sharp? I have 7 week old Wyandottes and alot of the roos have REALLY red combs and the wattles are longer than the one you show here...

So I'm guessing pullet!
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hmmm, I'll have to check the tail feathers. so, assuming pullets have more rounded tail feathers?

I will for sure update this. These 3 are to be my breeding flock for my BLR roo. so, pullets preferred. haha

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