Is this sufficient? Last chance to change air flow (easily anyway)...

Can't imagine a bird of prey getting a chicken from the run, though?

My only predator loss was coming home to find a small hawk pinning down one of my chickens inside the run, eating her, while the rest of the flock screamed in the opposite corner. Immediately bought some netting for the top, which had been "fine" for 2 years uncovered.

You said you're doing HWC across the top though right? As long as it's all attached securely that'll easily take care of any bird of prey issues.
My only predator loss was coming home to find a small hawk pinning down one of my chickens inside the run, eating her, while the rest of the flock screamed in the opposite corner. Immediately bought some netting for the top, which had been "fine" for 2 years uncovered.

You said you're doing HWC across the top though right? As long as it's all attached securely that'll easily take care of any bird of prey issues.
Yes. Hardware cloth across the top. Side. And skirt.
:thumbsup You'll be fine as far as hawks, owls and eagles are concerned!
Yeah.. I figured..... Haha.

That being said, nobody should underestimate a damn eagle. My n neighbors (her parents) share our yard and we've seen them take approach and attempted kills on their Yorkies. Those little dogs are alert for a reason.

Have yet to see one come after this handsome fella....

Pretty sure he would like eagle thigh as much as chicken thigh. Certain I have a better picture of this good looking guy somewhere, but baby back sleep and I'm gonna join.
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That being said, nobody should underestimate a damn eagle. My n neighbors (her parents) share our yard and we've seen them take approach and attempted kills on their Yorkies.

Yeah eagles are pretty impressive... my neighbor once called me over to ID a chicken carcass that an eagle had carried into their tree and then dropped once it was done eating. It was a pretty sizable Buff Orp hen, but thankfully not one of mine.
Yeah eagles are pretty impressive... my neighbor once called me over to ID a chicken carcass that an eagle had carried into their tree and then dropped once it was done eating. It was a pretty sizable Buff Orp hen, but thankfully not one of mine.
Watching them do Battle with osprey is always fun. every now and then you'll think you're watching an osprey and legal go at it, and you look it's a juvenile eagle being taught by parent. earlier this year I watch that from a tree, had porpoises blowing behind me, redfish popping behind me, and I shot a deer. Good day!

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