Is this the same dog?

Yep, that is yer dog. I agree to leave him there, but visit, show the pics and maybe take the dog on some outings or even overnight on occasion? My friend and i shared a dog like that for years and the dog had twice the attention and love! But it was always understood it was more HER dog....
no offense ( and maybe its been said already i only read to this point!)

I hope you did not uproot him. He's been with them longer than he's been with you. he's theirs now regardless of how he got that way.
no offense ( and maybe its been said already i only read to this point!)

I hope you did not uproot him. He's been with them longer than he's been with you. he's theirs now regardless of how he got that way.

I should have finished what I was thinking...The OP said she had signs up for her missing dog, so I feel they MUST have saw the signs posted..
Hair like that definately can change color slighty and even thin some.
Esspecially if they have been clipping him down.
I think that is your dog and it's good to know he made it with the highway
being between you. Glad you at least know he has been okay.
Glad you are thinking of what is best for him too.
I just read this and i agree that it is the same dog. I also agree that he needs to be left there. 5 years is a long time and he is now her dog. I know you said that you were going to go visit, so how did it go? Did she like the pics of him when he was younger?
I agree with the rest of the folks, leave him be...he now has a good home and well loved. However do ask if you can visit him now and then!

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