Is wood floor good for hens? Or linoleum?

In my mobile coop, part of the floor is wood and part is hardware cloth. For me either bare wood, or shavings is fine. You may want shavings though to cushion their feet and if the wood is rough, you don't want them to cut their feet.
We have rolled vinyl as well topped with sand. Chicks love it, easy to clean daily and the vinyl protects the wood. A Bare wood floor will eventually rot due to being exposed to chicken poo and it is absorbent, so it does absorb poo smell once it has been repeatedly poo’d on over time.
I have a wood floor covered with Blackjack 57 to seal it. On top of that I have pine shavings, about 6 inches deep. I used the sealer, so I never had to replace vinyl, in case it got ripped from the chickens scratching. What ever you use, put your choice of bedding over it, don't leave it bare. The chickens jumping down from the roost or nest boxes need some cushioning for their feet.
I have heavy duty foam backed vinyl with shavings.
No way the birds will scratch it up.
Still solid after 6 years.

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