It’s getting cold here! Ducks absolutely will NOT use their house!

I had a big problem with my peafowl not going inside the first year. Even lost one small one before I got helpful advice. I now give them a night light in the area I want them to use, otherwise they stay outside because it is lighter later than inside their shelter. I wonder if ducks would go into a lighted area better.
I had a big problem with my peafowl not going inside the first year. Even lost one small one before I got helpful advice. I now give them a night light in the area I want them to use, otherwise they stay outside because it is lighter later than inside their shelter. I wonder if ducks would go into a lighted area better.
Ducks do not sleep all night like other Birds...They will wonder around in the Dark...
I had a big problem with my peafowl not going inside the first year. Even lost one small one before I got helpful advice. I now give them a night light in the area I want them to use, otherwise they stay outside because it is lighter later than inside their shelter. I wonder if ducks would go into a lighted area better.
I’m wondering about the light thing too! Because they usually sit outside by our windows! Hmmm....
An extra large insulated Dog house with venting and a Door is fine for night ..
I think we have an extra one that actually has a heater with it unless the mice got it. But I never thought about using that. Lol I’m not sure if it’s big enough for the ducks. Does their food and stuff have to be in there?
If it does im sure there’s no room. Lol
I think we have an extra one that actually has a heater with it unless the mice got it. But I never thought about using that. Lol I’m not sure if it’s big enough for the ducks. Does their food and stuff have to be in there?
If it does im sure there’s no room. Lol
No...Do not put feed and water in it..Lock them in at night and out in the morning...Sounds great!...:hugs

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