It’s hot!


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2022
Hi! I have a flock of 9. They are 9-11 weeks old.
Can they have some frozen watermelon ice cubes as a “cooling” down treat? Gonna be in upper 90’s and even 100’ this week. Thanks for any advice!


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Absolutely. Frozen foods can definitely cool and hydrate on hot days. I like to empty trays of ice cubes into a broad shallow pan and the chickens play with them and drink all the melt. I also wet down the run so evaporation cools the air down a good ten degrees.

If your chickens show no interest in ice cubes, try freezing some canned corn into the ice.
Hi! I have a flock of 9. They are 9-11 weeks old.
Can they have some frozen watermelon ice cubes as a “cooling” down treat? Gonna be in upper 90’s and even 100’ this week. Thanks for any advice!
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Cute Silkies! :love

You can also freeze their water or put gallon jugs of frozen water for them to sit next to.

Frozen peas are high protein (20-22%) and delicious. Frozen corn is always fun (in very small amounts it's 7% protein). Or frozen peas and carrots perhaps. Anything like that frozen into ice cubes or a small bowl for them to peck at can be cooling and enriching.

Wetting the area is a good idea, I only dislike the flies it attracts. But the chickens may enjoy them!
I was just told by someone else that feeding frozen treats in the heat is a bad idea because the temperature difference is too much and it will encourage the chickens body to produce MORE heat to warm her back up. So it works counterproductively.
I was also told that wetting the run is bad because while it temporarily cools everything down it does create a higher humidity.

So now I'm really confused :(
I wanna do the right thing for my girls, not accidentally hurt them.

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