It finally happened .....


Apr 14, 2015
we had a red fox get under our fence..... One dead, two injured. Fox proofing under the fence is no problem and immediate repairs were made. Can they jump a 6 ft wood privacy fence??? There is nothing on the fence that they could get their footing on. Recommendations????? Super bummed. My favorite lady was lost. :(
So sorry for your loss. Many predators can get over a wood fence; I've seen raccoons climb my T111 siding, no problem. Foxes will get over it too. Most losses are at night, so a very safe coop will save a lot of grief. Daytime fox attacks also can happen, and your fox will return until either all your birds are dead, or it's trapped and killed. MAYBE keeping your birds locked in for a long time will discourage it finally, but I have no idea how long that would be. Foxes are territorial, and will make the rounds as long as they live there. Electrified poultry fencing works well if it's possible at your coop area. Mary
So sorry for your loss. I've had many close calls with fox. I would recommend an electric fence around your coop and run. If it wasn't for electric fencing I don't think I'd have a flock left.
So sorry for your loss. I've never had any personal experience with foxes, but I'm sure they could climb a fence. I've seen a domestic dog do it with ease, and foxes are much more nimble than a "regular dog".

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