It is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!!!! I can't wait until mine start laying (13 wk old RIR)
One of my chickens started laying 4 days ago. The first one looked almost round but the ones after that look normal but a tad small. Do they get bigger? It is a full size chicken.
They usually get bigger with time. You will notice a small change this year. Then, after they molt, they should be a good bit bigger. Bessie1994Snider just had a really big first egg.
Hello CONGRATS!! on your first egg.We are newbies and I think our babies will start in the next couple weeks.We will run up and down the street yelling...LOL
Enjoy more to come!!
Thanks everybody and yes there is story behind her name. When they were little she and another chick were exactly the same ,but it turned out to be a he so now lives on a farm.
I feel bad I gave the wrong girl credit.
Today I went out to check for eggs and Henriatte was in the nestbox with my rooster and panting heavy. I thought maybe she was going to lay an egg. So I shut the lid and waited sure enough a couple min later the roo came out and Henriatte followed a few min later. I went and checked and the egg looks exactly like the first. So here's a pic of her.


I didn't think she looked even close to laying so asumed she wasn't.

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